Hi! Happy Sunday!
Irreni World Scale is the first Internet government as well as the first micro government. It is also the first experimental government that defines governing as the process of continuous political experiment.
All of this depends on the Internet. Irreni World Scale is designed around the Internet. Did you know the first application of the Internet was scientific? The Internet was designed to allow research scientists to share scientific research quickly and speed up science for the military. The Internet was started by DARPA back in the 1960s. By the early 1980s the various Universities were emailing research papers and exchanging data. This rapid communication gave the US a technological edge on military technology research. The commercial aspect of the Internet would not arise until the advent of the World Wide Web.
Irreni World Scale echoes this original Internet by using the Internet to massively collect data and to publish reseach for political experiments.
Every single human will be involved in running political experiments. The roles will vary from collecting daily data, to managing data, to analyzing data, to reporting data.
Irreni World Scale design calls for the establisment of a new University of political experiments, The Terran Sea Otter Academy or TSOA. The TSOA has two fundamental purposes. First is to manage the political experiments conducted by all MGOs. The TSOA represents part of the laboratory of our poltical experiments. Most experiments will span multiple MGOs and the quantity could be in the millions of MGOs. The TSOA is where the data is collected and experiment orchestrated. Second the TSOA is also the library and archive of all past experiments. Unlike traditional Universities the TSOA will be virtual and 10-20 percent of each MGO will be members. The University will be virtually run over the Internet.
In addition to the TSOA managing the data, analysis and reporting of the experiments then the TSOA will also be refereeing the experiments throughout their lifetime. The MGOs are the fundamental unit of experiment. Each MGO will have its membership refereed for balancing the the strengths and weaknesses of all the membership using latest personality data.
The personality data is collected continuously using the device of loving life, or DOLL. The DOLL is simply a smartphone every human is required to have. This DOLL will include all the Irreni apps required for Irreni administration. The DOLL includes emergency features for people to report any abuse or misconduct by any MGO. The emergency features allow the TSOA to breakup membership of any and all MGOs whenever foul play and violence is detected, especially our worse origins of tribalism. The DOLL requires continuous contact with the Internet.
As shown political experiments, the virtual University called the TSOA, and the DOLL all rely on the Internet. But there is more.
Irreni World Scale relies on a new voting algorithms called The Vote Bank, Corruption Voting, and Six Degrees Voting.
The Vote Bank is just as it sounds. You don't cast a vote, you bank it. Each election held has a vote on deposit avaible continuously even the instant after a vote is finally tallied. You may change your vote at any time.
The Vote Bank relies on the Internet. The security protocol for authenticating the vote relies on public voting. All votes are public all the time. The DOLL stores the vote that you can check at any time. Each voting agency retrieves votes from the DOLL and publishes each vote tallied. Voter fraud programs monitor any discrepancies between vote banks and tallies. Public voting requires the Internet to process votes continuously for monitoring and tallying.
Public voting is rife with myths and falsehoods about the persecution of voters who have their votes made public. Those myths come from centuries long ago and do not scale to the Internet age. This essay is about Internet governing and not public voting so enough said here.
Corruption Voting allows you to sell your vote directly to the highest bidder. The Vote Bank stores not only who you cast your vote for but how much was paid for the vote and by whom. Corruption voting mixes two franchises of election and money. Today only lobbyists get to mix money franchise with election. That is not fair. Corruption Voting levels the money franchise playing field and lets everyone in on the action, buying and selling. This market relies on the Internet.
Then there is Six Degrees Voting. Today you vote for people you don't know, never met, and have no way to ensure you can trust. Six Degrees Voting is chain or indirect voting. You cast votes for someone you know. Their vote then represents your vote and all the other votes cast for them. This chain of tallying compounds without limit until an election winner is met. These vote chains or voting blocks replace political parties and have real teeth. The Vote Bank has a continuous tally of who the current election winner is at all times. This means no more polling. Any election outcome is always known. Six Degrees Voting helps with securing the vote. Voting blocks that see changes will raise monitoring flags.
It has just been shown how Irreni depends on the Internet and yet there are many other design features of Irreni that rely on the Internet, especially the VERY or virtual Earth reality you. The VERY is our simulation lab of Earth and everyone in it. However, voting is fundamental to the Irreni intersection of its two primary oblectives of treating everyone as important by exercising free will using voting and political experiments.
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Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!
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