What is Irreni?
Irreni World Scale is a political, scientific laboratory for proving claims of politics.
What is Irreni World Scale? Irreni World Scale is new kind of governing. Irreni World Scale has nothing in common with today's central governments of Democracy, Communism, Socialism, etc. As such Irreni World Scale is going to be strange to you. It is going to be weird. However, don't let that stop you from reading this book. Just take a few deep breathes when needed. Perhaps set the book down when things get too weird. Take as much time as you need to digest things, perhaps even taking days in between reading chapters. What we obtain too cheap we esteem too lightly. Obtaining the understanding in this book will not be cheap because the worth is a heavy esteem.
Irreni World Scale is not a central government. Irreni World Scale is not a "rule of law" system. Irreni World Scale is a distributed system that uses refereeing in place of rule of law. Irreni World Scale has almost no ideology. Irreni World Scale is a political, scientific laboratory. As such Irreni World Scale can co-exist with any central government because Irreni World Scale has no competing ideology and has no competing rule of law system.
What is a political, scientific laboratory? It is the same in many ways as a scientific laboratory. The lab has equipment. Hypothesis or claims are made. These claims are put to the test while running an experiment on a small sample. Running the experiment requires collecting data and storing that data. Running that experiment requires making adjustments needed for safety and efficacy. The decisions required to adjust the parameters of the experiment are classified as refereeing and not rule of law. Once the experiment is over then we analyze the data and report findings. These findings conclude to prove or disprove the claims of the experiment. The report of findings is then peer reviewed and this review process is also called refereeing. Finally, a library is provided for storage of all data ever collected and stores all the information for all experiments permanently.
That's it. Irreni World Scale is a political, scientific laboratory for proving claims of politics.
Irreni World Scale opposes or is in juxtaposition with governments founded upon ideology. Ideology is a set of ideals that must be met. If the ideals are not met by people then the people are in error. The ideal is never challenged or changed. By contrast Irreni World Scale is founded as an experimental system. If the claims are not proven then the political experiment is considered failed and not the people. This is why Irreni World Scale can sit side-by-side with central government. The objectives of the competing governing types are independent. Central governments have ideals as a foundation such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness or that all people are created equal. Irreni World Scale is a scientific system of governing that sets up a laboratory for making claims and then runs experiments to either prove or disprove claims.
Irreni World Scale then is actual political science where what is called political science today is in fact scientific analysis of political ideology systems.
Another way to think of Irreni World Scale is that it is a construction site for political buildings where the building is the central government. Irreni World Scale represents the various cranes used to raise and lower building materials as new building parts are put into place. Irreni World Scale also represents the scaffolding along side the building that allows workers to put into place the various things a crane raises and lowers. The only difference in our metaphor here is that we will never finish the building. The political buildings will never be finished and so Irreni World Scale will be a permanent fixture in governing.
Why is Irreni World Scale a necessary perpetual system? Because of one word: freedom. Every generation is free to change any central government "building" as they see fit. How sad the tyranny if each generation is confined to exactly the same central government previous generations put in place. No. Every generation will want to be free and that means changing the central government building currently in place.
Irreni World Scale applies the same scientific processes that have yielded so much success in the technical world to the political world.
Got it?
There is more. Irreni World Scale is more than just a laboratory for experimenting with politics. Irreni World Scale also addresses the question of which central government is best. Today every government in the world is a central government. The best central government is Democracy and Democracies have failed their mandates to be federated power. Year after year all Democracies on the face of the planet today have consolidated power from the federated powers like States and local government to the central government. Year over year central government spends more money and the federated powers spend less. This is not what Democracy was intended to be and every Democracy has succumb to this phenomena.
Which central government could be best? None. To quote Thomas Jefferson, the government that governs least governs best. Historically people have taken this to mean some form of anarchy. Irreni World Scale re-imagines least government as experimental government. Irreni World Scale posits that central government is not the political body that governing should be building. Central government is purported to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people. A central government then is founded upon a principle of providing a single political body whose function is to service the people in exchange for central government power.
Irreni World Scale represents the next generation of governing because it represents multiple political bodies and not just a single political body.
What is our primary survival goal? Easy. Our primary survival goal is to stop the expansion of the Universe. We have a Universal clock ticking. Our Universe is scheduled to die of heat death. We need to stop it. Sure it is going to take a few billion years and managing many galaxies to pull it off, but there it is. Life needs to survive indefinitely and that can't happen if the Universe is dead.
How soon? When will the Universe die of heat death? Our best guess currently is something like in fourteen billion years. That's a very short time window to stop the Universe expansion given we'll need the resources of untold number of galaxies to pull it off. The clock is ticking. We need to get to it. We need to get to colonizing space and managing our solar system pronto. We need to get to the next closest star and colonize it for management and so on until we colonize the galaxy until we can manage galactic power. Then we need to get to the next galaxy and so on until we can harness enough percentage of the Universe's energy so as to stop the expansion of the Universe and create a Universe of indefinite time span.
We have no time to waste.
But first we need to manage planet Earth before we can manage the Solar System. The laboratory of Irreni World Scale divides the Earth Management body into four different functional bodies given we have seven billion people on the planet today. The first approximation of people needed to be allocated per functional body is two billion people per body.
The four functions are people management, land management, ocean management, and virtual Earth management. People management is what we primarily associate with governing today, providing people services. Land management can be crudely thought of as combining all nations today and rolling them up into one body to manage Earth's climate as one body. Seven-tenths of the Earth's surface is water and we need to start colonizing oceans in order to grow population sufficient for Solar System management. Virtual Earth management is provided by a new project as an Irreni World Scale project called the VERY: virtual Earth, reality you. The VERY is a real-time, exact duplicate of Earth in virtual space that includes all of Earth's population.
People management, land management, and ocean management are self-evident. However, virtual Earth management requires some further explanation. We need to put billions of sensors and millions of satellites all around Earth in order to duplicate Earth in real-time exactly in a virtual reality. Further each person in the Solar System will have an avatar that is an exact duplicate of their physical body. This duplicate virtual Earth is designed to enable trade and provide an experimental platform for Irreni World Scale. We will simulate experiments for people, land, and ocean management in virtual reality first as part of the Irreni World Scale laboratory. Virtual reality allows us the least risk environment for experimenting with managing Earth's climate.
Once we have sufficiently built out a minimal subset of the four bodies of people, land, ocean and virtual Earth functions then we will add a fifth: space management. Perhaps we first colonize the Moon or perhaps we colonize Mars. Perhaps our first space management effort is mining asteroids in order to build a huge space port around Earth. We'll know the answer to the question only after we have the initial four bodies built.
If one steps back and looks at all the function needed by the initial four bodies then it quickly becomes apparent that seven billion people is insufficient to the need. That means we need to be more efficient in utilizing the people we do have.
At this point it is a good time to stop and discuss ideology. Ideology is the philosophy that we assume an ideal and if that ideal is not satisfied then the people are at fault and not the ideal. The ideal itself is fixed. Irreni World Scale has very little ideology but it does have a few ideals. The prime directive for Irreni World Scale is that everyone is important now and forever no matter what biological limitations a person is subject to. This ideal then forces Irreni World Scale to provide maximal opportunity to each individual as well as all individuals overall using quantifiable metrics that can be measured using experiments. This primary ideal yields secondary ideals such as the right to education and the right to information. However, Irreni does not enforce its very limited and very broad ideals with the rule of law. Instead these are ideals are fixed parameters in every political experiment. All claims and hypothesis used to create experiments within Irreni must aspire to these ideals. These ideals may very well conflict with central governments today that oppress their citizens by limiting or disallowing education and information. But that is a conversation for another chapter.
The name of the game for humanity and life in general for the next few billion years is stop the expansion of the Universe. To pull that off we need to get cracking and quit dilly-dallying around with what passes for government today.
Okay, so central government is an invalid kind of governing needed because the political body is limited to only providing services for the people that inhabit the body. This is why we cannot coordinate as a world to address Earth projects such as climate change. The political body of today's central governments have only one limited function to provide service to the people within that government.
There is another argument besides political body for eliminating central government and that argument is efficiency. Every single central government ever built in human history have more in common then more that separates them. What they all have in common is bureaucracy. There are literally thousands of books dating back centuries bemoaning the inefficiencies of bureaucracy so there is no need for further argument here on that account. The question is not if bureaucracy is inefficient, but rather what can replace bureaucracy? So far no one has come up with a bureaucracy replacement.
Here it is. Here is your bureaucracy replacement. That replacement is the MGO, or micro-modular governing organization.
Think of MGOs as a set of Legos. In this case the MGO itself is the single-pip block. A single block is not the most common block or most useful in a set of Legos. The same is true for Irreni World Scale. The MGO is not the most useful block. The most common blocks will be those of multiple MGOs called MGOs as well where the second version stands for modular governing organization. These modular MGOs will be comprised of two or more micro MGOs. These modular MGO building blocks then represent the test tubes if you will of our laboratory. Combine MGOs of billions of people to comprise our function bodies. Every person on the planet will be assigned to a micro MGO. Each micro MGO will belong to one or more modular MGOs. The modules then will combine to create functional modules. Eventually millions of these functional modules will create the requisite four political bodies.
How are MGOs more efficient than bureaucracy and bureaucracy replacements? First we must understand why bureaucracies are inefficient. It is presented without proof that the cause for inefficiency within any bureaucracy is that every bureaucracy's primary obligation is to the bureaucracy itself and not the function it serves. Sometimes this is referred to as empire building. Bureaucracies live to grow. Bureaucracies compete with other bureaucracies over resources. Bureaucracies also prioritize corruption where resources are taken by individuals allocating resources for personal gain and not the function of the bureaucracy for which it was created.
The design of MGOs defeats all the inefficiencies of bureaucracy. The design first defeats empire building by fixing the size of an MGO. Every micro MGO must be a fixed size of thirty people with no exceptions. This removes the inefficiency of empire building. Second each micro MGO and subsequent modular MGO must be self-reliant. Every micro MGO is scored for self-reliance. This means each micro MGO must grow its food, make its own shelter, and make its own clothing. Each MGO must aspire to use permanent products and not consumer products to reduce resource use. MGOs do not compete with other MGOs for resources, but rather compete for the highest score of self-reliance. The Irreni World Scale laboratory will favor MGOs that are self-reliant using the least resources possible. Self-reliance forms the shape of every micro and modular MGO. Self-reliance shapes the people who are recruited. Self-reliance is not the only score, however, There is one other score and that is the score of expertise combined with capability. The expertise and capability score of each MGO is weighted with the self-reliant score to provide an overall score of each MGO. The Irreni World Scale system then works to continuously improve the equipment in its laboratory by improving efficiencies of external resources used combined with improving external expertise with capability. This is the exact opposite of bureaucracy where the primary purpose of the bureaucracy is not the function required of the bureaucracy but competing for resources of the to build an empire and then corruption of its resources by being taken by individuals.
Central governments are defined by bureaucracy. If there is no bureaucracy there is no central government. Irreni World Scale operates optimally with MGOs exclusively. This means that Irreni World Scale will optimally phase out central governments. How long will this process take? Well, Irreni World Scale requires a cultural shift of every person on the planet belonging to a micro MGO and then modular MGOs of function. These kind of cultural changes take hundreds of years. Minimally Irreni World Scale will take two-hundred years given everything that is involved.
Irreni World Scale has the word "World" in it as a goal. The goal is to implement Irreni at the world scale of Earth first. Once we have the four functioning bodies up and running of people, land, ocean and virtual spaces then Irreni World Scale with change its name to Irreni Solar System. Once we have expanded humanity to manage the Solar system then we will expand to Irreni Andromeda System and so on until we get to Irreni Galactic System. Speaking of Andromeda that system is on a collision course with the Milky Way. Before we get around to stopping the expansion of the Universe we'll need to stop the collision with the Andromeda galaxy.
The Irreni World Scale prime ideal is paramount because that importance includes everyone in an indefinite future. This importance is reflected in the Irreni campaign this year called, "A World Without End". Our Earth will be destroyed someday soon if we don't learn to manage the Sun. The Earth will be uninhabitable due to the death of our Sun before we can even make it to Andromeda. So we'll need to figure out how to manage the Sun.
Lets end this chapter with a project proposed by a paper I read about how to manage the Sun. In few million years or so the corona of the Sun may encompass the Earth making the Earth uninhabitable. We can't have that. The project proposed was a fifty-thousand year project to bump asteroid orbits inside the asteroid built and change their orbit around the Sun such that their combined gravity would pull the Earth into an ever wider orbit around the Sun so that the Earth continues to stay within a habitable zone of the Sun. We are already thinking about indefinite life.
It seems impossible today to conceive of managing the Sun or managing the Andromeda galaxy to avoid a collision. But manage we must. As Franklin said, we may delay but time will not. Irreni World Scale has an ideal of everyone's life is important and that includes all future lives indefinitely. This indefinite time includes the natural clock of our Sun that will eventually destroy Earth or the natural course of the Andromeda galaxy that will destroy our galaxy. We can't have that.
The next chapter is called "The Micro MGO". This chapter will speak directly to what you can do today, right here and now.
Introduction to the book "Irreni World Scale"
Irreni World Scale is a political, scientific laboratory for proving claims of politics.
What is Irreni World Scale? Irreni World Scale is new kind of governing. Irreni World Scale has nothing in common with today's central governments of Democracy, Communism, Socialism, etc. As such Irreni World Scale is going to be strange to you. It is going to be weird. However, don't let that stop you from reading this book. Just take a few deep breathes when needed. Perhaps set the book down when things get too weird. Take as much time as you need to digest things, perhaps even taking days in between reading chapters. What we obtain too cheap we esteem too lightly. Obtaining the understanding in this book will not be cheap because the worth is a heavy esteem.
Irreni World Scale is not a central government. Irreni World Scale is not a "rule of law" system. Irreni World Scale is a distributed system that uses refereeing in place of rule of law. Irreni World Scale has almost no ideology. Irreni World Scale is a political, scientific laboratory. As such Irreni World Scale can co-exist with any central government because Irreni World Scale has no competing ideology and has no competing rule of law system.
What is a political, scientific laboratory? It is the same in many ways as a scientific laboratory. The lab has equipment. Hypothesis or claims are made. These claims are put to the test while running an experiment on a small sample. Running the experiment requires collecting data and storing that data. Running that experiment requires making adjustments needed for safety and efficacy. The decisions required to adjust the parameters of the experiment are classified as refereeing and not rule of law. Once the experiment is over then we analyze the data and report findings. These findings conclude to prove or disprove the claims of the experiment. The report of findings is then peer reviewed and this review process is also called refereeing. Finally, a library is provided for storage of all data ever collected and stores all the information for all experiments permanently.
That's it. Irreni World Scale is a political, scientific laboratory for proving claims of politics.
Irreni World Scale opposes or is in juxtaposition with governments founded upon ideology. Ideology is a set of ideals that must be met. If the ideals are not met by people then the people are in error. The ideal is never challenged or changed. By contrast Irreni World Scale is founded as an experimental system. If the claims are not proven then the political experiment is considered failed and not the people. This is why Irreni World Scale can sit side-by-side with central government. The objectives of the competing governing types are independent. Central governments have ideals as a foundation such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness or that all people are created equal. Irreni World Scale is a scientific system of governing that sets up a laboratory for making claims and then runs experiments to either prove or disprove claims.
Irreni World Scale then is actual political science where what is called political science today is in fact scientific analysis of political ideology systems.
Another way to think of Irreni World Scale is that it is a construction site for political buildings where the building is the central government. Irreni World Scale represents the various cranes used to raise and lower building materials as new building parts are put into place. Irreni World Scale also represents the scaffolding along side the building that allows workers to put into place the various things a crane raises and lowers. The only difference in our metaphor here is that we will never finish the building. The political buildings will never be finished and so Irreni World Scale will be a permanent fixture in governing.
Why is Irreni World Scale a necessary perpetual system? Because of one word: freedom. Every generation is free to change any central government "building" as they see fit. How sad the tyranny if each generation is confined to exactly the same central government previous generations put in place. No. Every generation will want to be free and that means changing the central government building currently in place.
Irreni World Scale applies the same scientific processes that have yielded so much success in the technical world to the political world.
Got it?
There is more. Irreni World Scale is more than just a laboratory for experimenting with politics. Irreni World Scale also addresses the question of which central government is best. Today every government in the world is a central government. The best central government is Democracy and Democracies have failed their mandates to be federated power. Year after year all Democracies on the face of the planet today have consolidated power from the federated powers like States and local government to the central government. Year over year central government spends more money and the federated powers spend less. This is not what Democracy was intended to be and every Democracy has succumb to this phenomena.
Which central government could be best? None. To quote Thomas Jefferson, the government that governs least governs best. Historically people have taken this to mean some form of anarchy. Irreni World Scale re-imagines least government as experimental government. Irreni World Scale posits that central government is not the political body that governing should be building. Central government is purported to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people. A central government then is founded upon a principle of providing a single political body whose function is to service the people in exchange for central government power.
Irreni World Scale represents the next generation of governing because it represents multiple political bodies and not just a single political body.
What are the bodies then that Irreni World Scale builds if not a single political body to provide service to the people? What functions?
Well, function requires a purpose. Our first function is necessarily survival. It is our first purpose because as someone once quipped, the least pleasurable life is a life devoted to pleasure. Leisure and pleasure are secondary purposes relative to our first purpose of survival.
What is our primary survival goal? Easy. Our primary survival goal is to stop the expansion of the Universe. We have a Universal clock ticking. Our Universe is scheduled to die of heat death. We need to stop it. Sure it is going to take a few billion years and managing many galaxies to pull it off, but there it is. Life needs to survive indefinitely and that can't happen if the Universe is dead.
How soon? When will the Universe die of heat death? Our best guess currently is something like in fourteen billion years. That's a very short time window to stop the Universe expansion given we'll need the resources of untold number of galaxies to pull it off. The clock is ticking. We need to get to it. We need to get to colonizing space and managing our solar system pronto. We need to get to the next closest star and colonize it for management and so on until we colonize the galaxy until we can manage galactic power. Then we need to get to the next galaxy and so on until we can harness enough percentage of the Universe's energy so as to stop the expansion of the Universe and create a Universe of indefinite time span.
We have no time to waste.
But first we need to manage planet Earth before we can manage the Solar System. The laboratory of Irreni World Scale divides the Earth Management body into four different functional bodies given we have seven billion people on the planet today. The first approximation of people needed to be allocated per functional body is two billion people per body.
The four functions are people management, land management, ocean management, and virtual Earth management. People management is what we primarily associate with governing today, providing people services. Land management can be crudely thought of as combining all nations today and rolling them up into one body to manage Earth's climate as one body. Seven-tenths of the Earth's surface is water and we need to start colonizing oceans in order to grow population sufficient for Solar System management. Virtual Earth management is provided by a new project as an Irreni World Scale project called the VERY: virtual Earth, reality you. The VERY is a real-time, exact duplicate of Earth in virtual space that includes all of Earth's population.
People management, land management, and ocean management are self-evident. However, virtual Earth management requires some further explanation. We need to put billions of sensors and millions of satellites all around Earth in order to duplicate Earth in real-time exactly in a virtual reality. Further each person in the Solar System will have an avatar that is an exact duplicate of their physical body. This duplicate virtual Earth is designed to enable trade and provide an experimental platform for Irreni World Scale. We will simulate experiments for people, land, and ocean management in virtual reality first as part of the Irreni World Scale laboratory. Virtual reality allows us the least risk environment for experimenting with managing Earth's climate.
Once we have sufficiently built out a minimal subset of the four bodies of people, land, ocean and virtual Earth functions then we will add a fifth: space management. Perhaps we first colonize the Moon or perhaps we colonize Mars. Perhaps our first space management effort is mining asteroids in order to build a huge space port around Earth. We'll know the answer to the question only after we have the initial four bodies built.
If one steps back and looks at all the function needed by the initial four bodies then it quickly becomes apparent that seven billion people is insufficient to the need. That means we need to be more efficient in utilizing the people we do have.
Every person and every individual on planet Earth in the Irreni World Scale system is needed. Every single person. You are important. We are all important. This puts pressure on the people management body to keep physical, mental, and emotional states of everyone in top shape. No one can be discarded no matter the limitations.
At this point it is a good time to stop and discuss ideology. Ideology is the philosophy that we assume an ideal and if that ideal is not satisfied then the people are at fault and not the ideal. The ideal itself is fixed. Irreni World Scale has very little ideology but it does have a few ideals. The prime directive for Irreni World Scale is that everyone is important now and forever no matter what biological limitations a person is subject to. This ideal then forces Irreni World Scale to provide maximal opportunity to each individual as well as all individuals overall using quantifiable metrics that can be measured using experiments. This primary ideal yields secondary ideals such as the right to education and the right to information. However, Irreni does not enforce its very limited and very broad ideals with the rule of law. Instead these are ideals are fixed parameters in every political experiment. All claims and hypothesis used to create experiments within Irreni must aspire to these ideals. These ideals may very well conflict with central governments today that oppress their citizens by limiting or disallowing education and information. But that is a conversation for another chapter.
The name of the game for humanity and life in general for the next few billion years is stop the expansion of the Universe. To pull that off we need to get cracking and quit dilly-dallying around with what passes for government today.
Okay, so central government is an invalid kind of governing needed because the political body is limited to only providing services for the people that inhabit the body. This is why we cannot coordinate as a world to address Earth projects such as climate change. The political body of today's central governments have only one limited function to provide service to the people within that government.
There is another argument besides political body for eliminating central government and that argument is efficiency. Every single central government ever built in human history have more in common then more that separates them. What they all have in common is bureaucracy. There are literally thousands of books dating back centuries bemoaning the inefficiencies of bureaucracy so there is no need for further argument here on that account. The question is not if bureaucracy is inefficient, but rather what can replace bureaucracy? So far no one has come up with a bureaucracy replacement.
Here it is. Here is your bureaucracy replacement. That replacement is the MGO, or micro-modular governing organization.
Think of MGOs as a set of Legos. In this case the MGO itself is the single-pip block. A single block is not the most common block or most useful in a set of Legos. The same is true for Irreni World Scale. The MGO is not the most useful block. The most common blocks will be those of multiple MGOs called MGOs as well where the second version stands for modular governing organization. These modular MGOs will be comprised of two or more micro MGOs. These modular MGO building blocks then represent the test tubes if you will of our laboratory. Combine MGOs of billions of people to comprise our function bodies. Every person on the planet will be assigned to a micro MGO. Each micro MGO will belong to one or more modular MGOs. The modules then will combine to create functional modules. Eventually millions of these functional modules will create the requisite four political bodies.
How are MGOs more efficient than bureaucracy and bureaucracy replacements? First we must understand why bureaucracies are inefficient. It is presented without proof that the cause for inefficiency within any bureaucracy is that every bureaucracy's primary obligation is to the bureaucracy itself and not the function it serves. Sometimes this is referred to as empire building. Bureaucracies live to grow. Bureaucracies compete with other bureaucracies over resources. Bureaucracies also prioritize corruption where resources are taken by individuals allocating resources for personal gain and not the function of the bureaucracy for which it was created.
The design of MGOs defeats all the inefficiencies of bureaucracy. The design first defeats empire building by fixing the size of an MGO. Every micro MGO must be a fixed size of thirty people with no exceptions. This removes the inefficiency of empire building. Second each micro MGO and subsequent modular MGO must be self-reliant. Every micro MGO is scored for self-reliance. This means each micro MGO must grow its food, make its own shelter, and make its own clothing. Each MGO must aspire to use permanent products and not consumer products to reduce resource use. MGOs do not compete with other MGOs for resources, but rather compete for the highest score of self-reliance. The Irreni World Scale laboratory will favor MGOs that are self-reliant using the least resources possible. Self-reliance forms the shape of every micro and modular MGO. Self-reliance shapes the people who are recruited. Self-reliance is not the only score, however, There is one other score and that is the score of expertise combined with capability. The expertise and capability score of each MGO is weighted with the self-reliant score to provide an overall score of each MGO. The Irreni World Scale system then works to continuously improve the equipment in its laboratory by improving efficiencies of external resources used combined with improving external expertise with capability. This is the exact opposite of bureaucracy where the primary purpose of the bureaucracy is not the function required of the bureaucracy but competing for resources of the to build an empire and then corruption of its resources by being taken by individuals.
Central governments are defined by bureaucracy. If there is no bureaucracy there is no central government. Irreni World Scale operates optimally with MGOs exclusively. This means that Irreni World Scale will optimally phase out central governments. How long will this process take? Well, Irreni World Scale requires a cultural shift of every person on the planet belonging to a micro MGO and then modular MGOs of function. These kind of cultural changes take hundreds of years. Minimally Irreni World Scale will take two-hundred years given everything that is involved.
Irreni World Scale has the word "World" in it as a goal. The goal is to implement Irreni at the world scale of Earth first. Once we have the four functioning bodies up and running of people, land, ocean and virtual spaces then Irreni World Scale with change its name to Irreni Solar System. Once we have expanded humanity to manage the Solar system then we will expand to Irreni Andromeda System and so on until we get to Irreni Galactic System. Speaking of Andromeda that system is on a collision course with the Milky Way. Before we get around to stopping the expansion of the Universe we'll need to stop the collision with the Andromeda galaxy.
The Irreni World Scale prime ideal is paramount because that importance includes everyone in an indefinite future. This importance is reflected in the Irreni campaign this year called, "A World Without End". Our Earth will be destroyed someday soon if we don't learn to manage the Sun. The Earth will be uninhabitable due to the death of our Sun before we can even make it to Andromeda. So we'll need to figure out how to manage the Sun.
Lets end this chapter with a project proposed by a paper I read about how to manage the Sun. In few million years or so the corona of the Sun may encompass the Earth making the Earth uninhabitable. We can't have that. The project proposed was a fifty-thousand year project to bump asteroid orbits inside the asteroid built and change their orbit around the Sun such that their combined gravity would pull the Earth into an ever wider orbit around the Sun so that the Earth continues to stay within a habitable zone of the Sun. We are already thinking about indefinite life.
It seems impossible today to conceive of managing the Sun or managing the Andromeda galaxy to avoid a collision. But manage we must. As Franklin said, we may delay but time will not. Irreni World Scale has an ideal of everyone's life is important and that includes all future lives indefinitely. This indefinite time includes the natural clock of our Sun that will eventually destroy Earth or the natural course of the Andromeda galaxy that will destroy our galaxy. We can't have that.
The next chapter is called "The Micro MGO". This chapter will speak directly to what you can do today, right here and now.
Join an MGO today!
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You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!
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