Now What?

HaPpY WeDnEsDaY!

Protest Over, Now What?

"The system cannot reform itself." -Cornel West

" I’ve heard some suggest that the recurrent problem of racial bias in our criminal justice system proves that only protests and direct action can bring about change, and that voting and participation in electoral politics is a waste of time. I couldn’t disagree more." -Barak Obama, with no evidence for his claims

Over the last couple of days I have seen lots of public figures from politicians to Hollywood celebrities lay on empty rhetoric about how "this time will be different" or "this time change will happen." The one thing they all have in common is that these claims are made without evidence. Claims made without evidence should be dismissed without evidence.

More interesting is that the corporate media is heavily promoting the empty rhetoric that this time will be different, police brutality will be resolved. Obama is going to give a press conference today. F****rs. F**k the mainstream media. Their intention is to placate you and pacify you. Cornel West, on the other hand, is telling the truth. Cornel West gave evidence and came with receipts for his claim, like Eric Garner happened under a black President, a black Attorney General, and a black head of Homeland Security. Nothing changed. Sorry if I don't believe even more empty rhetoric with no evidence from Obama. Actually, no I'm not sorry at all. F**k off. Shove your empty platitudes.

Protest Over, Now What?

Nancy Pelosi is busy with her own empty rhetoric she calls laws. These laws are empty rhetoric for two reasons:
1. She is not working with Trump or the Republicans to get their support.
2. She knows Republicans will not pass her bills so her only purpose is to grandstand.

Pelosi says there are somewhere between 200 and 400 bills passed by the House being pocket vetoed by Mitch McConnell. These bills are also just empty rhetoric for the same two reasons I just mentioned: no Republican support and then knowing this cynically to politically grandstand for re-election.

Protest Over, Now What?

We are all suffering from outrage exhaustion. Every news cycle it is something new that needs immediate fixing. The list of outrage things includes climate change, police brutality, Wall Street corruption, social media censorship,  Trump recommending injecting disinfectant, and on-and-on. And there it is. The establishment is just going to keep stringing us along every second of every hour for every 24 hours news cycle. Meanwhile nothing gets done but handing trillions over to the rich on Wall Street.

Protest Over, Now What?

Police brutality has been with us since the inception of policing. You think a couple of weeks of protest under Trump and the sycophant Republicans is going enact any change in your favor? The only change that is going to happen is a larger police state, I guarantee it. Pelosi's empty rhetoric she calls laws will never get passed. And I guarantee you if any police reform does get passed it will be completely watered down and include hundreds of millions of dollars in more police spending. That's their bait and switch. The press will consume all the media attention on the watered-down reform while new hundreds-of-millions in policing spending will ensure ever more brutality just because of more police.

Protest Over, Now What?

We need a plan. It is truly disheartening to say that on this planet of seven billion people that I'm the only one with a plan, Irreni World Scale. Irreni World Scale fixes everything culturally and politically. It fixes capitalism and environmentalism. This means that Irreni World Scale addresses all the problems that affect minority communities, not just one like with police brutality or environmental racism. It addresses them all.

And guess what? It's a two-hundred-year plan. Why? Because first we have to change our culture. Politics reflects culture. Politics that controls culture is called tyranny. First we need to get our cultural act together. Then we can start innovating new government to reflect our new and improved culture. Rinse and repeat for two-hundred years.

Today your first act is that you have to join a micro-government called the MGO, which means micro, modular governing organization. You will government. You will not be a politician. No one in your MGO will be. You know why? Because your MGO will be fixed size thirty people and with thirty people you can represent yourself. A size of thirty people means you don't need a Representative and you don't need a politician. You just vote on things. And the first thing you will vote on is the MGO charter. Your MGO will be an ordinary corporation. You will have a set of by-laws. Guess what? You can be a non-profit corporation, you can be a C type corporation, whatever. You can also have whatever direct democracy or executive decision making structure you want.

I take that back. Your first act is you have to find the thirty people that you want to make cultural changes with using your MGO. What kind of cultural changes? Well, Irreni comes loaded with all kinds of goodies. For example, the Irreni, "Make Control" program provides cultural change of making your own food, clothing and shelter. The objective is to replace consumer products with permanent, repairable make products. We reduce transportation by growing your own food on your MGO campus. Reducing transportation reduces need for energy. You get the idea. First you have to find thirty people. I can help you by you joining Irreni World Scale using the link at the top of the page.

If you want to know more about how Irreni World Scale is designed to work then please click the "Join" link at the top of the web site. The navigation bar at the top of the page has many hours of reading on how Irreni World Scale works.

But know this. Irreni World Scale is as complicated as one might imagine something would be in order to govern the entire planet. You are not going to understand it and you will mostly not want too.

What you need to know right now, today, is what Cornel West said: the system cannot reform itself. A broken system cannot fix itself. A game of musical politician chairs changes nothing. Once you accept this then you need to sign up for a plan. Irreni World Scale is the only plan. What have you got to lose? Placing money on a bet by voting for yet another politician in the existing system is 100% chance of loss. Placing money on a bet of joining an MGO that you govern by first establishing the charter and then participating in the by-laws with an objective to make cultural changes before we start reforming our legal system is not guaranteed to work:  but making cultural changes first is the only path forward and Irreni World Scale is the only plan on the entire planet today.

Join an MGO today!

You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:


Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!

Freethinkers unite!


Party On!

Let's get cracking!

Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!

Politics as Science!

Demand Irreni World Scale!

Anti-theism is feminism!  

Think disruption!

Empathy for all!

Moral relativity: think it, breath it!

Prove it or lose it!

Conversations equal consensus! 

Welcome to the 21st century!

Scale your empathy, scale the world! 

Find your tribe!

Be sexy people!

The future is coming! 

Innovate at a rapid pace!

Slow speed ahead!

Well come! and well met!
