HaPpY SaTuRdAy!
Why not? Because the US Constitution is crap and rights suck. When I read the US Constitution I came to the same conclusion as when I read the Bible. What crap. The US Constitution is garbage and needs to be taken curbside. I'm a free thinker and free thinking is not limited to just religion.
Why is the US Constitution crap? Well, it doesn't scale for one. Rights suck for another. This essay is about rights sucking so I'll leave the the other myriad reasons alone on this occasion.
Rights only represent one half of the equation, the benefits. Rights do not lay out the other side, the responsibilities. The right to free speech is detached from any responsibility obligation required to realize the benefit. This is why we don't see people wearing masks. This is why the right to assembly and the right to religion meant protests and church going spread coronavirus resulting in more death.
We all benefit from the capabilities of the large sizes of society and the benefit of large groups providing goods and services. This benefit becomes a social contract of obligation by each individual to support the large group benefit. This social contract of obligation means responsibilities.
Let us imagine for a moment that instead of a Bill of Rights then we had a Bill of Responsibilities. Responsibilities change constellation with each new generation and the coronavirus pandemic is a sudden new obligation added to our constellation of obligations. The dreadful US Constitution framed our responsibilities as benefits exclusive of responsibility called rights. The responsibility to fulfil that benefit is missing and so people feel fully justified to promote such notions. The pandemic has created new obligations to maintain existing responsibilities. If we viewed rights as responsibilities then the public shaming of those not meeting these new obligations could be morally founded on our fundamental social contract, the US Constitution. Rights only bestow benefits and not responsibilities and so new social obligations are seen as oppressive. They are not. These new social obligations are necessary to maintain existing levels of required benefits specified in rights.
Freedom means free of tyranny and oppression, not free of responsibility. The problem with continually increasing benefits of society made possible by rapidly advancing technology is that this creates crushing oppression due to adding unmanaged increasing social responsibility. Further more this addition is not just in the amount time we must spend to fulfil new responsibility but also additional intellect required. High tech requires high responsibility and high intelligence. The US Constitution makes no mention of this tyranny of increasing social obligation. The Founders only worried about State oppression and not societal oppression.
The face mask negative reaction is reasonable. It is only natural to chafe at increasing oppression, real or perceived. That is human nature. People are reacting to a new obligation to wear a face mask as oppression. In part this is because our fundamental values are viewed as rights that are taught as benefits detached from social obligations. Thus the US Constitution is crap. If we had a Bill of Responsibilities and not a Bill of Rights then we would frame our social obligations as such.
However, changing rights to responsibilities in our Constitution is not enough to meet current societal demands. Our year 2020 problem is that rapidly advancing high tech enables new social benefits that impose new social responsibility obligations without any permission or planning. These obligations require an increase in responsibility of time and improved intelligence in order to meet them. At some point this amount of new required time will be perceived an oppressive burden detached from the benefit. The lack of planning and approval comes as tyranny. Further an increase in improved intelligence to meet new responsibility cannot be met by an ever expanding larger segment of the society.
Just as we have checks-and-balances within the US Constitution in order to mitigate tyranny so then must we have checks-and-balances on ever increasing, oppressive obligations of unbidden social benefits from larger and larger social groups.
The US Constitution has no check-and-balance for social tyranny. Irreni World Scale does.
Irreni World Scale continuously balances the constantly increasing set of social responsibilities that come with increasing larger societal benefits. This balance is achieved by redefining the concept of nation as not the largest group possible, but the smallest group possible. This group is called the MGO, or micro modular governing organization. The MGO is defined to be a sovereign group of fixed size thirty people. One social responsibility of each MGO is to be as independent as possible. Each MGO must make its own food, clothing and shelter. Each MGO must focus on permanent goods and not consumer goods. MGOs are scored on the ability to be independent as a weight when factoring in world scale benefit and responsibility of the MGOs role within society as a whole. The more independent an MGO can demonstrate itself to be then the greater societal freedom and opportunity an MGO has in the world. This independence isolation is meant to be a balance of constant increasing social obligation of larger group benefit. The less MGOs can demonstrate independence then the less they can participate in the society at large. The less they participate in the society at large than the benefits of larger society are reduced. The burden of increasing social responsibilities due to large scale society has a governor.
Rights suck! We need to think of rights as responsibilities. Yes, it would be advantageous to modify the Bill of Rights to a Bill of Responsibilities. It would then be possible to add as our sworn duty a new amendment to leave the Earth and society with a better quality for each subsequent generation. But that would still not be enough because the entire US Constitution is lacking checks-and-balances of the social tyranny imposed by advancing high tech increasing new social responsibilities due to increasing social benefits from advancing tech. When one starts to consider what it would take to create this new check-and-balances on societal oppression then one would ultimately end up right where Irreni World Scale landed. The US Constitution is garbage and needs to be replaced with micro nations, MGOs.
Rights Suck!
People in Maine are not wearing masks. I live in Maine and when I'm out and about here in Bangor I see about a third of the people are wearing masks.
Irreni World Scale, for the day!
Why not? Because the US Constitution is crap and rights suck. When I read the US Constitution I came to the same conclusion as when I read the Bible. What crap. The US Constitution is garbage and needs to be taken curbside. I'm a free thinker and free thinking is not limited to just religion.
Why is the US Constitution crap? Well, it doesn't scale for one. Rights suck for another. This essay is about rights sucking so I'll leave the the other myriad reasons alone on this occasion.
Rights only represent one half of the equation, the benefits. Rights do not lay out the other side, the responsibilities. The right to free speech is detached from any responsibility obligation required to realize the benefit. This is why we don't see people wearing masks. This is why the right to assembly and the right to religion meant protests and church going spread coronavirus resulting in more death.
We all benefit from the capabilities of the large sizes of society and the benefit of large groups providing goods and services. This benefit becomes a social contract of obligation by each individual to support the large group benefit. This social contract of obligation means responsibilities.
Let us imagine for a moment that instead of a Bill of Rights then we had a Bill of Responsibilities. Responsibilities change constellation with each new generation and the coronavirus pandemic is a sudden new obligation added to our constellation of obligations. The dreadful US Constitution framed our responsibilities as benefits exclusive of responsibility called rights. The responsibility to fulfil that benefit is missing and so people feel fully justified to promote such notions. The pandemic has created new obligations to maintain existing responsibilities. If we viewed rights as responsibilities then the public shaming of those not meeting these new obligations could be morally founded on our fundamental social contract, the US Constitution. Rights only bestow benefits and not responsibilities and so new social obligations are seen as oppressive. They are not. These new social obligations are necessary to maintain existing levels of required benefits specified in rights.
Freedom means free of tyranny and oppression, not free of responsibility. The problem with continually increasing benefits of society made possible by rapidly advancing technology is that this creates crushing oppression due to adding unmanaged increasing social responsibility. Further more this addition is not just in the amount time we must spend to fulfil new responsibility but also additional intellect required. High tech requires high responsibility and high intelligence. The US Constitution makes no mention of this tyranny of increasing social obligation. The Founders only worried about State oppression and not societal oppression.
There are many unmet large society social obligations weighing down us right here, right now. Police reform, pandemic, healthcare, and climate change to name a few. The critics of healthcare as a right are correct in pointing out the cost. Who is going to pay for it? We all are. The right alone just conveys the benefit not the cost. These critics just don't go far enough. This cost of benefit applies to all rights and not just healthcare.
It is possible we might be able to meet healthcare as a legal right by paying it for as a society. Most industrialized countries do. However, we can never meet climate change management as a right. This is because the benefit of managing climate change is not just for ourselves, but also for our children. Unborn generations have no rights. However, we could rectify this if we had a Bill of Responsibilities. If we had a Bill of Responsibilities then we could codify future generation responsibilities as our social commitment to provide a better quality of life for each new generation. This better quality of life commitment for each new generation would necessarily include managing climate change.
The face mask negative reaction is reasonable. It is only natural to chafe at increasing oppression, real or perceived. That is human nature. People are reacting to a new obligation to wear a face mask as oppression. In part this is because our fundamental values are viewed as rights that are taught as benefits detached from social obligations. Thus the US Constitution is crap. If we had a Bill of Responsibilities and not a Bill of Rights then we would frame our social obligations as such.
However, changing rights to responsibilities in our Constitution is not enough to meet current societal demands. Our year 2020 problem is that rapidly advancing high tech enables new social benefits that impose new social responsibility obligations without any permission or planning. These obligations require an increase in responsibility of time and improved intelligence in order to meet them. At some point this amount of new required time will be perceived an oppressive burden detached from the benefit. The lack of planning and approval comes as tyranny. Further an increase in improved intelligence to meet new responsibility cannot be met by an ever expanding larger segment of the society.
Just as we have checks-and-balances within the US Constitution in order to mitigate tyranny so then must we have checks-and-balances on ever increasing, oppressive obligations of unbidden social benefits from larger and larger social groups.
The US Constitution has no check-and-balance for social tyranny. Irreni World Scale does.
Irreni World Scale continuously balances the constantly increasing set of social responsibilities that come with increasing larger societal benefits. This balance is achieved by redefining the concept of nation as not the largest group possible, but the smallest group possible. This group is called the MGO, or micro modular governing organization. The MGO is defined to be a sovereign group of fixed size thirty people. One social responsibility of each MGO is to be as independent as possible. Each MGO must make its own food, clothing and shelter. Each MGO must focus on permanent goods and not consumer goods. MGOs are scored on the ability to be independent as a weight when factoring in world scale benefit and responsibility of the MGOs role within society as a whole. The more independent an MGO can demonstrate itself to be then the greater societal freedom and opportunity an MGO has in the world. This independence isolation is meant to be a balance of constant increasing social obligation of larger group benefit. The less MGOs can demonstrate independence then the less they can participate in the society at large. The less they participate in the society at large than the benefits of larger society are reduced. The burden of increasing social responsibilities due to large scale society has a governor.
Rights suck! We need to think of rights as responsibilities. Yes, it would be advantageous to modify the Bill of Rights to a Bill of Responsibilities. It would then be possible to add as our sworn duty a new amendment to leave the Earth and society with a better quality for each subsequent generation. But that would still not be enough because the entire US Constitution is lacking checks-and-balances of the social tyranny imposed by advancing high tech increasing new social responsibilities due to increasing social benefits from advancing tech. When one starts to consider what it would take to create this new check-and-balances on societal oppression then one would ultimately end up right where Irreni World Scale landed. The US Constitution is garbage and needs to be replaced with micro nations, MGOs.
We need to step back from shaming those who refuse to wear masks. We need to realize this is what we are taught from our first thoughts in America. We are taught the benefits of rights are devoid of any responsibility to fulfil them. People screaming rights are free of responsibility are correct. Because they are.
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Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!
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