Party On!
The Make 2018 campaign will be making all kinds of things.
This essay builds upon the previous essays below:
The human race is over! We won! We have conquered surviving. We have the technology today to provide food, shelter and clothing to seven-billion cheaply. The only reason we are not providing food, shelter and clothing to our brothers and sisters worldwide is politics. We are still bombing each other to death.
The information age marks a new era of human objective: quality of life.
I call this the Human Quality Principle: The human race is over! The information age marks a new era of human objective: quality of life.
Our fundamental government failure today is we are still living with survivalist governments but live in a quality of life era. This is why we are still bombing each other to death.
In the previous essays we discussed making jobs and making people skills as we participate in the decision making process of our shiny new MGOs. Another thing I also mentioned in passing is we need to make videos and marketing material showcasing the kind of life we idealize. This is what quality of life means: we need a quality plan. We need to express our desires in order to achieve them. Make 2018 includes in its mission is for us making our desires known to each other and ultimately for governing.
Either the government is making the desires that we want, or it is making corrupted desires of government official wants and corrupted desires of lobbyist individuals want by bribing the politicians.
So how do we express our 300 million people desires collectively?
In The Beginning
In the beginning, say when we are around five-or-six years-old, we may have our first thoughts of an ideal life. Mine were brought to me in the same manner they were maybe were brought to you: descriptions of heaven. In my case the heaven was described by the John Wesleyan Methodist Church. The first image I had was of streets paved with gold. I have no idea if this is in the Bible, or what, but there it is. Streets paved with gold. Also, no crime, no bad people and all our family and friends who made it to heaven. Something like that. Oh, and of course, immortality.
I never gave ideal reality much thought until my teens when I started thinking about what kinda life I wanted to make for myself. And the first thing I thought of were those streets paved with gold and how that makes no kinda sense. By this time I was studying engineering courses like physics and chemistry in high school. Gold is too soft for pavement.
Another influence on my thinking were the lyrics to a simple folk song I heard growing up: "The Dying Convict."
Hey! Looky yonder up in the sky!
Hey! Hey! Looky yonder up the sky!
Buzzards circling round my head,
Must know I'm bound to die.
Take my hammer
Carry it to the captain
Take my hammer
Carry it to the captain
Take my hammer
Carry it to the captain
Tell him gone, tell him I'm gone, great God
Dig my grave, with a golden shovel
Dig my grave, with a golden shovel
Dig my grave, with a golden shovel
In the Georgia ground
In the Georgia ground
Lay me down, slow and easy
Lay me down, so slow and easy
Lay me down, slow and easy
Lay me down, so slow and easy
Lay me down, slow and easy
Ball and chain, great God, lay by my side.
Rocks in the mountain
Shining like diamonds
Rocks in the mountain
Shining like diamonds
Rocks in the mountain
Shining like diamonds
In that land, great God, where I'm bound.
When I get to heaven and I just can't wait.
Going to walk right through them Pearly Gates.
All my friends are going to be on board.
And I'm going to have me a talk with the Lord.
Now Lord, I've been mean and onery all my life.
But I paid for my sins down there.
And I'm mighty proud to be here.
Just one thing got me worried though,
I hear tell stories how we goin' to lay up here around all the time
Playin' our harps, flutter our wings and such.
If that's the way it's gotta be, then I wanna hand in my resignation right now.
Why one of the worst times I ever spent in my whole life was laying around Atlanta jail, doing nothing.
I'm a working man Lord, and a good'un too.
Why me and the boys, we built some of the finest roads in George.
Canals and bridges too.
So, so if you could it in hour heart, to work something out for me, I'd be much obliged.
Why it seems to me like some of the streets of gold could use some repaving.
And me and the boys would just naturally like to jump up...
Why you know what I mean, don't ya' Lord? don't ya'?
Take my hammer
Carry it to the captain
Take my hammer
Carry it to the captain
Tell him gone, tell him I'm gone, great God
Rocks in the mountain
Shining like diamonds
Rocks in the mountain
Shining like diamonds
Rocks in the mountain
Shining like diamonds
In that land, great God, where I'm bound.
What your ideal society is depends on who you are. Rocks are like diamonds to some people. Point being there is no universal heaven one can describe to appeal to all humans.
Point being that if we cannot describe an ideal place all humans could agree upon then we certainly will not be able to describe a real place, flaws and all.
We have won the human race and we know how to survive indefinitely. Now we must define quality of life by describing what we want. Some things will be easy, like say to quit bombing people to death. Or on the positive side let's feed, clothe and shelter all seven-billion people. That latter can be easy once we swap out our politics of survival with politics of quality because purely from a production perspective then food, clothing and shelter are easily mass produced.
Before we continue I need to take another step back in time. In addition to historical misconceptions about a heaven we need to clear up a time-worn misconception that the meaning of life is to suffer. No it's not.
Imagine, if you will, you are some priest, or preacher, about to ask people for money. The easiest way to do this is to look around and observe what state people are currently in, have been in, and then just tell them that is their fate in life. You look smart. By predicting the present as a product and also past predications of life having been the same, suffering, then people think you are smart and give you money for it. Its a defeatist attitude self-fulfilling prophecy.
Anyone who tells you that the meaning of life is to suffer has a hand in your pocket. Smack it away.
The meaning of life is to endeavor with breaks of pleasure. Netflix and chill baby. But, as someone once said, the least pleasurable life is a life devoted to pleasure. We must endeavor.
We must endeavor. What we endeavor to do is up to us. We decide. What we endeavor to do defines a quality of life government where survival defines a survivalist government.
Variety and You
The exciting thing about life is its infinite variety. So, the real version of ideal life is not uniformity of some Utopia or heaven, but instead the variety of death-defying, conflicting endeavors. Some people are thrill seekers. Some people are readers. Each can be excited by t'others lifestyle for short periods, but not for long. That is variety and you. What might be offensive to the extent of killing each other if over-exposed day-to-day can still be exciting in short spurts. Variety.
This plays out as something we call moral relativity. Morality's foundation is defined to be those things we want, what's important. For example. to a bacon lover then pigs are important as food. To a vegan they are not. Today these people peacefully co-exist at a distance, but if they lived in the same house maybe not so much. This is the future. We define possibly deathly conflicting wants and desires and then coexist at a distance. Then we can be tourists in all kinds of communities different and experience life.
Party On!
Once we have identified who we are and what we want out of life then we need to communicate this to the rest of the world. This is called, "Party On!"
Do your best! Take your best shot! Describe in books, music and other arts to the world how you see the world! And they will do the same! The government cannot implement our desires if we cannot express them, together.
I'm reminded of an effort Glen Beck talked about back in the mid 2000s. A wealthy fellow wanted to build a city-upon-a-hill Christian community and Glen Beck was asked to be a part of it. Yes! This is the idea! As the Army says, "Be all you can be"!
This idea is not new. How soon we forget history. The Pilgrims of early American implemented their Christian city-upon-a-hill, including theocracy with the Bible as law. Turns out no one wanted it. So much so that by the 1760s a young lawyer named John Adams was hired to get rid of New England religious law. Eventually his success culminated into Adams writing the very first Democratic constitution for the state of Massachusetts. This became the springboard then for the US Constitution.
So in fact the laws of US were a repudiation of Christian theocracy, not an attempt to build a Christian society. Even with all this history I think it still would have been awesome if Beck had gone through with his ideal Christian community so the US could see, yet again, first hand what Christian theocracy looks like. And who knows? Perhaps since it would have been a voluntary community and not mandatory perhaps there are people who would love to live in a Christian community voluntarily.
This is what Party On! is all about. Describe and create the communities of desire and then advocate for them as government priority. Then and only then can we get down to the business of hammering out our commonalities and differences enough to promote a general social contract every day with the government. The one and only Christian theocracy world view promoted today has never been our heritage.
The Make 2018 campaign requires efforts to make our desires known starting today. Our government is run amok precisely because the wants and desires reflected by our government today only reflect the corrupted desires.
Future Projects
Even though MGO projects are not part of the initial Irreni campaign it is worth noting here how projects will eventually play out as we each express our notions of a desired life. MGOs come together by creating projects and implementing them. These projects are prioritized by casting votes. The voting system will be far more advanced then what is in place today but the outcome will be the same: majority priority. However, the majority priority will be much different than what's often labelled as tyranny of majority vote today. Tomorrow it will be understood that variety is the objective, not uniformity. The majority priority then will be to optimize the variety based upon as much common resources as possible.
Until MGO projects are brought online then today we just Party On! today.
The Make 2018 campaign is first about making jobs, second upgrading people skills when making jobs, and finally making wants and desires known by communicating our desired reality to governments today via movies and the arts; perhaps even building small example communities.
Do I Rule The World?
I am a non-spiritual, free-thinking, iconoclast. Should my ideas rule the world?
I was appalled and aghast when I read the Bible. I grew up in Indiana. The Bible is called the greatest book ever written where I grew up. When I grew up in the 1970s a book called "The Book of Lists" was popular. This book is similar to the "Guinness Book of World Records" but is based on social topics rather than world records. One of the social topics in the book was, "If you were stranded on a tropical island then what single book would you take with you?" The most popular answer, of course, was The Bible. In my childhood the Bible was built up to be the best of the best, the best book ever written.
Imagine my surprise when I actually read the d**n thing and the Bible turned out to have been the most boring, horrendous, ugly, vile, vicious, disgusting, filthy piece of trash gossa I had ever read? That is the very definition of free thinker. This is why free thinkers are synonymous with being an atheist, we'll accept truth and reality as it is, not what culture demands it to be.
To be fair, I had the same problem with Shakespeare. What a terrible writer. Arguably Shakespeare is much easier on the eyes than the language butchery called the Bible. Still, Shakespeare advocates can also be insidious by advocating aesthetics morality where beauty signifies good. Don't get me wrong, the Bible does this too in that people consider the Bible "literature". In fact, the very word "literature" promotes some kind of aesthetic morality where morality is seen as best promoted in well written verse. For me this seduction principle is anathema, that literature best conveys proper morality. Seduction of literature is no more valid than associating morality with any other kind of seduction, like say having a chocolate truffle contain a fortune just like a fortune cookie. The seduction of literature is every bit as insidious as religion. I saw an interview of Harold Bloom by Charlie Rose where Bloom praises Shakespeare as not only a moral compass, but seer predicting future events simply because he's a good writer?
So, I got into trouble with my English Lit. teachers every bit as much as religious teachers. I think people have a misconception that free thinking begins and ends with the Bible. Not at all. I challenge everything. One of the benefits about being a free thinker is we are comfortable wiping the slate clean and starting over. My personality of being a free thinker coupled with my personality of being an engineer enabled me to devise Irreni World Scale.
Now onto iconoclast. Not all free thinkers are iconoclasts. An iconoclast is someone willing to challenge authority in their face. Just like most atheists are not anti-theists then most free thinkers are not iconoclasts. also most iconoclasts are not free thinkers. Most iconoclasts are just people who have experienced either directly or indirectly injustice at the hands of authority. My iconoclast personality has forged in the furnace of bad parent authority burning the fuel of my free thinking personality.
I'm an iconoclast because I hate stupidity. I'm an iconoclast because I empathize with everyone and love all humans. Our current system of governments picks winners and losers. I see the defects of empathy in our US Constitution and came to the conclusion early on it was garbage; trash that needed to be taken out. The Bill of Rights was never intended for the common man because the common man was never expected to even understand the law or then again have the means to hire a lawyer. The Bill of Rights was intended for the land owners with lawyers. This is especially telling in the quartering right. How many poor people housed British soldiers during the Revolutionary War enough to even to care about this? No, the Bill of Rights was written by the wealthy for the wealthy. The wealthy part was implied by who had the means to hire an attorney. It wouldn't be until a over century after the Constitution was written that a "public defender" was ruled to be required by the law. Supplying a lawyer to the average common person was never a thought by the founders. Flash-forward to today and ninety-percent of all public-defender felony cases plea out because that's what public defenders do. Wealthy people don't plea out. The rule of law was intended to be a playing field of the wealthy and if a few plebs benefited from it, so be it. This also is self evident today in the form of arbitration today. What's totally self-evident about arbitration is that the wealthy side, the corporation, provides the arbitrator. You do not have the right to a trail by jury of your peers. You have the right to arbitration with the arbitrator, the judge, hired by the wealthy party, your opponent. The judge is hired by one side, the wealthy side. The "rule of law" does get any more of a joke than that. How obvious does it need to be for any of us that we are not ruled by law? We are still ruled by the golden rule, he who has the gold makes the rules, the arbitration rules and hires the arbitration judge. No, the US Constitution provides a firewall of law between the wealthy factions and is not equality for the plebs. The US constitution pretty much just prevented civil war over slavery in 1789, but then that firewall failed in the 1860s. This country has only ever been a rule of law to keep the various wealthy factions in check in this country, the North versus the South, and the plebs be damned.
And that's how an iconoclast, free thinker thinks.
And then I'm non-spiritual. What does that mean? First, explanation by example. As a non-spiritual person I do not understand emotionally certain concepts most people take for granted. Take for example, celebrity. Why do people fawn over celebrities? Ask for autographs? Buy autographs? What a silly concept to the non-spiritual. Non-spiritual people are also not emotionally triggered by the religious concepts such as holy, piety, worship, sacred, profane, blasphemy, supernatural, heaven, hell, and so on. When ever I hear news reports about Jerusalem and Jerusalem being considered one of the top three holiest sites by both Christians and Muslims alike then I want to pull my hair out and take my shoe off and throw it against the wall. What does that even mean? What is this "holy" scale that is used to quantify "holiest" such that "most" can be used? How can something be "holier" than something else? The only conclusion I can think of is that to the spiritual folk then "holy" is like art, they know it when they see it. Since I'm non-spiritual I'm blind to it all.
As a non-spiritual person I'm also unemotional about historical sites. I'm with Thomas Jefferson on this, life is for the living and not the dead. I have zero appreciation for historical artifacts. None. Museums bore me to tears, other than the information cards placed next to the artifacts. But then that placard information can be found in books and no trip to the Museum is required. As far as I'm concerned if some famous historical person's house is about to be demolished, let it. In my world view, historical landmarks would never exist. Life is for the living. People living today should have access to the land, whatever. Having said that I'm not against private preservation of historical stuff. For example, the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA. That is wholly paid for by private funding. Fine by me. If people want to spend their hard earned money on that, who am I to complain. Where I get my panties in a bunch is when the government starts declaring historical landmarks and preventing buildings and such that would otherwise be replaced with laws preventing such.
I've explained non-spiritual from an example perspective. Now I'd like to explain non-spiritual from a scientific one. We can trace the roots of our spirituality to our animal nature. Humans and animals are pattern matching organisms. We see a pattern and form conclusions. For example, nocturnal animals hunt at night because they have come to recognize via evolutionary means a pattern that hunting during the day gets them killed. Humans ate red fruit and died and therefore for centuries westerners believed tomatoes were poisonous. This is all anyone's spirituality is: pattern matching in the brain. This is nothing supernatural about it. Those of us who are "non-spiritual" lack a sense of pattern matching common to most people.
Okay, so I took some time here to paint a picture that is NOT you. You are mostly likely not like me; not a non-spiritual, free thinking, iconoclast. We are a rare personality.
So when I Party On! then my ideas for the kind of reality I want my government to create will be radically different than yours.
Or will it. See here's the thing. As someone with such an extreme case of divergent personality then it is easy for me to recognize that I'm not common and my desired reality is not going to work for most people. Most people are spiritual to much greater degree than I am. And this doesn't just mean religion, but any emotionally fixation with such things as celebrity and historical landmarks.
So, I would never promote my expected reality to be adopted by our governments to be mine personally, I'm not common.
This concept of adjusting ones perspective about what the government should deliver is the Party On! main theme, this is the gist. By forming MGOs of thirty people with all of us intimately running a small business then we can all elevate ourselves to a default position about government: we cannot promote expected reality to be adopted by our governments to be just ours personally. We have to reconcile our personal expectations with group membership in a small setting, thus become a good follower. Just as a good leader needs to have first been a good follower a good follower first needs to have have been a good follower. Ha! In other words in order to be a good US follower then you first need to be a good MGO follower.
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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