Happy Tuesday!
Total News Blackout!
Pandemic help! for the day!
There has been $5 trillion dollars of bailout money allocated so far for pandemic response. There has been a total news blackout on all the graft and corruption spending that $5 trillion dollars.
There is one exception to the news blackout: Matt Taibbi. If you want to learn about at least some of the horrific corruption going on with the $5 trillion dollars then you can follow Matt at the link below:
I also recommended sponsoring Matt with a $40 annual subscription.
Currently the top story on Matt's personal journalism web site is about, "Why Did Democrats Nominate Donna Shalala to the Bailout Oversight Panel?" If that name sounds familiar than you would have heard her name during the Bill Clinton years. Donna Shalala was a Bill Clinton operative. "Late the next day, Pelosi announced her choice [for the Congressional Oversight Committee chair for spending $5 trillion]: Donna Shalala, Florida congresswoman and former Health and Human Services Secretary under Bill Clinton. "
Why Donna Shalala? Donna's qualification for such a position is she owns stocks and she's a politician. That means Donna has the same qualifications as all 435 members in the House. All members own stocks and are politicians. So why not appoint a sitting politician? After all "the popular choice among lobbyists and staffers was financial services and oversight committee member Katie Porter (D-CA), who had actually sought the job."
The answer is one word. It is the same single-word answer to every question you might ask about the US Congress. That answer is the word, "incumbency". No spotlight means re-election.
This is a good time to remind you that I am running a write-in campaign for President on a "Make Congress Accountable" platform.
I take no donations. My campaign is a zero dollar donation plan that simply requires for you to write-in "Mybrid Wonderful". In short the campaign is to make congress accountable. The plan is to create a Presidential Cabinet by appointing the two leaders of the House and Senate as co-Presidents. I will not be governing. These co-Presidents will then appoint all 435 Representatives and 100 Senators to the top positions in the Executive government. The President appoints around 3,000 people to Executive government positions and 535 of them will be Representatives and Senators. Congress will run the Executive branch. There will be no vetoes. We are going to force Congress critters out of hiding and into the public spotlight. But that's just half the plan. The other half of the plan is that I'm going to take the $400,000/year salary and seed a start-up, Irreni World Scale. So Congress will be running the current government and I'll be bootstrapping a new one. So vote for me this November.
Back to the total news blackout.
The total news blackout doesn't apply to the spending of the $5 trillion bailout money. I listen to NPR news every morning and the one financial story that is getting the most air-time is the individual taxpayer money. You know, that $1,200 check. Then there is the next most popular story, small business loans. But make no mistake: these are not corruption stories. These are stories just on how the money is being spent.
The only corruption story I keep hearing repeated is not about Wall Street. Instead the corruption story getting the most play today is how the $600 increase to unemployment benefits means that for many Americans they are making more money on unemployment today then they were working full time. That's right, those corrupt bastards making $1,500/mo on unemployment deserve our contempt. Those corrupt bastards.
Here's a question for ya: Why? Why are the media companies in total news blackout about the Wall Street corruption? They are not Wall Street after all. They are media companies. The answer is almost obvious. You see all these huge media company CEOs sit on boards. The CEO of your cable company sits on the board Exxon, and vice-versa. That's why there is a total news blackout. Also, insider trading. If there is one law that has no teeth at all it is the insider trading law. All these guys are getting insider trading tips to grease each other's wheels. In other words, it is not just Congress critters getting bribed and lobbied all day, every day. All of the large corporation executives bribe and lobby each other by sitting on each other's boards and handing out insider trading tips.
Total news blackout means more than just a blackout of stimulus corruption. Total news blackout also applies to local news. Local news blackout is not about stealing money from the government. No, the total news blackout of local news is about profit money. Capitalism garners the most profit by reselling the same thing over and over again. Local news has the smallest market. National news can be aired on every web site and every broadcast channel everywhere in the country. So local news and local opinion are sacrificed on the alter of profit. I have one local newspaper in my city of Bangor, Maine. I'm guessing you do too. This facade of local news is useful to the big media corporations so they don't buy them outright. There is no government regulation stopping the large corporations from buying 100% of all news outlets. None whatsoever. What's left of local news is a facade only.
Total news black out then happens on at least these two financial fronts: stealing money from the government and also profit from reselling national news versus local news. Are there others? Sure, journalism is sacrificed as cost cutting. Journalism requires money. Why spend money on investigative journalism when pundits will write opinions and do TV interviews for free? So there is a third financial front of total news blackout: cost cutting.
Does total news blackout happen for political reasons? Of course. This is called lying by omission. Obviously omitting news stories about Wall Street stealing $5 trillion dollars is lying by omission. But it is more than that at times. There are so many news stories that are not covered because narrowly focusing news to just a few things provides blanket cover for so many things, you don't have to mix-and-match. Today we are inundated with one just one story 24/7, coronavirus. This echo chamber of one story pretty much gives blanket "lying by omission" cover to all the other bullshit going on in Washington DC.
This brings me to my Irreni World Scale point of the day. The total news blackout means that there is more politically broken in our country than just the Federal government. Corporate America is also completely broken. They have become enemies of the State. Corporations today are working against the American people, they are our enemy, and they are working solely in their own self-interest.
My motivation for writing this essay today was due to reporting I just read about Colombia. I read reporting of evidence that in this coronavirus crisis time then Colombian citizens are starting to turn more towards the government for help than to gangs and drug cartels. The irony is that America is going the other direction. We are now turning more towards our corporate gangs for public support. Billionaires are giving millions in donations to coronavirus response all they while robbing us blind of the $5 trillion dollars and paying no taxes. Historically the Italian Mafia has been in bed with the Catholic Church. Gangs and organized crime have always given money to charity and public crisis in order to gain public support. When I first moved to San Jose, California there was a story about the one, sole legal gambling establishment in the city being under indictment for corruption. The owners were skimming money. But like all good mafias they gave heavily to the Catholic Church. So much so, and I'm not making this up, Catholic nuns were reported to have given character witness testimony on behalf of the owners. Humph. So Colombia is making inroads socially to shedding at least some of their corruption while the US is going the other way and establishing new entrenchment of direct corporate corruption. Corporations are nothing more than gangs.
We are becoming Colombia. Colombia cannot solve its rebel FARC problem and its drug cartel problem until the citizens first begin to reject both. The Irreni lesson here is that same applies here. We the citizens must change first. In other words, culture must change before government can change.
I primarily write on this blog about replacing Democracy with MGOs over two-hundred years. However, Irreni World Scale is so much more than just replacing government. Irreni requires us first to upgrade culture. This is why the plan takes two-hundred years. We citizens must act. We must take on the responsibility that government has taken over today. We must be more independent in order to defeat corruption. This means we need to become makers. We need to grow our own food again, make our own clothes, and build our own shelter. We must move away from a consumer economy of corruption to a self-reliant, sustainable economy of independence. This thinking is foreign to you precisely because we've been mentally programmed to be rely on government and consumer economy. It will take two-hundred years to change this thinking. We need to shift capitalism from consumerism to sustainable manufacturing of permanent products. This means permanent components that go into many final products and not single, consumer finished goods. MGO campuses will become centers of final assembly of parts designed to last as long as possible. This is a major shift in world culture and will take time.
What should our response today be to our existing media total news blackout? Well, I know what will fail for sure: continue to pin false hope on electing a different person. Corruption runs our government and no one can stand against it, just like with Colombia hasn't been able to stand against drug gangs. We are Colombia in that sense. It is game over. Our government is permanently corrupt and permanently dysfunctional. There is no hope. Get over it. Instead we must take matters into our own hands. Irreni World Scale has a plan for taking matters into our own hands. We form MGOs that initially provide economic benefit by pooling individual resources into groups of thirty people and sharing costs to drive down our everyday costs. Over time MGO corporations will replace existing consumer corporations; manufacturing is retooled from consumer products to sustainable products.
The Irreni World Scale plan is a long game of gradually over time replacing central-government corruption with citizen micro-governing. There is no other way. A broken system cannot repair itself. The US Government is broken beyond repair. We must admit that and begin the hard work of repairing governing with new government that avoids corruption by eliminating central government altogether. If we don't do this then our total news blackout will continue to expand and our news will eventually just be about the shenanigans of daily lives of American royalty -- whatever that turns out to be.
Join an MGO today!
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

Total News Blackout!
Pandemic help! for the day!
There has been $5 trillion dollars of bailout money allocated so far for pandemic response. There has been a total news blackout on all the graft and corruption spending that $5 trillion dollars.
There is one exception to the news blackout: Matt Taibbi. If you want to learn about at least some of the horrific corruption going on with the $5 trillion dollars then you can follow Matt at the link below:
I also recommended sponsoring Matt with a $40 annual subscription.
Currently the top story on Matt's personal journalism web site is about, "Why Did Democrats Nominate Donna Shalala to the Bailout Oversight Panel?" If that name sounds familiar than you would have heard her name during the Bill Clinton years. Donna Shalala was a Bill Clinton operative. "Late the next day, Pelosi announced her choice [for the Congressional Oversight Committee chair for spending $5 trillion]: Donna Shalala, Florida congresswoman and former Health and Human Services Secretary under Bill Clinton. "
Why Donna Shalala? Donna's qualification for such a position is she owns stocks and she's a politician. That means Donna has the same qualifications as all 435 members in the House. All members own stocks and are politicians. So why not appoint a sitting politician? After all "the popular choice among lobbyists and staffers was financial services and oversight committee member Katie Porter (D-CA), who had actually sought the job."
The answer is one word. It is the same single-word answer to every question you might ask about the US Congress. That answer is the word, "incumbency". No spotlight means re-election.
This is a good time to remind you that I am running a write-in campaign for President on a "Make Congress Accountable" platform.
I take no donations. My campaign is a zero dollar donation plan that simply requires for you to write-in "Mybrid Wonderful". In short the campaign is to make congress accountable. The plan is to create a Presidential Cabinet by appointing the two leaders of the House and Senate as co-Presidents. I will not be governing. These co-Presidents will then appoint all 435 Representatives and 100 Senators to the top positions in the Executive government. The President appoints around 3,000 people to Executive government positions and 535 of them will be Representatives and Senators. Congress will run the Executive branch. There will be no vetoes. We are going to force Congress critters out of hiding and into the public spotlight. But that's just half the plan. The other half of the plan is that I'm going to take the $400,000/year salary and seed a start-up, Irreni World Scale. So Congress will be running the current government and I'll be bootstrapping a new one. So vote for me this November.
Back to the total news blackout.
The total news blackout doesn't apply to the spending of the $5 trillion bailout money. I listen to NPR news every morning and the one financial story that is getting the most air-time is the individual taxpayer money. You know, that $1,200 check. Then there is the next most popular story, small business loans. But make no mistake: these are not corruption stories. These are stories just on how the money is being spent.
The only corruption story I keep hearing repeated is not about Wall Street. Instead the corruption story getting the most play today is how the $600 increase to unemployment benefits means that for many Americans they are making more money on unemployment today then they were working full time. That's right, those corrupt bastards making $1,500/mo on unemployment deserve our contempt. Those corrupt bastards.
Here's a question for ya: Why? Why are the media companies in total news blackout about the Wall Street corruption? They are not Wall Street after all. They are media companies. The answer is almost obvious. You see all these huge media company CEOs sit on boards. The CEO of your cable company sits on the board Exxon, and vice-versa. That's why there is a total news blackout. Also, insider trading. If there is one law that has no teeth at all it is the insider trading law. All these guys are getting insider trading tips to grease each other's wheels. In other words, it is not just Congress critters getting bribed and lobbied all day, every day. All of the large corporation executives bribe and lobby each other by sitting on each other's boards and handing out insider trading tips.
Total news blackout means more than just a blackout of stimulus corruption. Total news blackout also applies to local news. Local news blackout is not about stealing money from the government. No, the total news blackout of local news is about profit money. Capitalism garners the most profit by reselling the same thing over and over again. Local news has the smallest market. National news can be aired on every web site and every broadcast channel everywhere in the country. So local news and local opinion are sacrificed on the alter of profit. I have one local newspaper in my city of Bangor, Maine. I'm guessing you do too. This facade of local news is useful to the big media corporations so they don't buy them outright. There is no government regulation stopping the large corporations from buying 100% of all news outlets. None whatsoever. What's left of local news is a facade only.
Total news black out then happens on at least these two financial fronts: stealing money from the government and also profit from reselling national news versus local news. Are there others? Sure, journalism is sacrificed as cost cutting. Journalism requires money. Why spend money on investigative journalism when pundits will write opinions and do TV interviews for free? So there is a third financial front of total news blackout: cost cutting.
Does total news blackout happen for political reasons? Of course. This is called lying by omission. Obviously omitting news stories about Wall Street stealing $5 trillion dollars is lying by omission. But it is more than that at times. There are so many news stories that are not covered because narrowly focusing news to just a few things provides blanket cover for so many things, you don't have to mix-and-match. Today we are inundated with one just one story 24/7, coronavirus. This echo chamber of one story pretty much gives blanket "lying by omission" cover to all the other bullshit going on in Washington DC.
This brings me to my Irreni World Scale point of the day. The total news blackout means that there is more politically broken in our country than just the Federal government. Corporate America is also completely broken. They have become enemies of the State. Corporations today are working against the American people, they are our enemy, and they are working solely in their own self-interest.
My motivation for writing this essay today was due to reporting I just read about Colombia. I read reporting of evidence that in this coronavirus crisis time then Colombian citizens are starting to turn more towards the government for help than to gangs and drug cartels. The irony is that America is going the other direction. We are now turning more towards our corporate gangs for public support. Billionaires are giving millions in donations to coronavirus response all they while robbing us blind of the $5 trillion dollars and paying no taxes. Historically the Italian Mafia has been in bed with the Catholic Church. Gangs and organized crime have always given money to charity and public crisis in order to gain public support. When I first moved to San Jose, California there was a story about the one, sole legal gambling establishment in the city being under indictment for corruption. The owners were skimming money. But like all good mafias they gave heavily to the Catholic Church. So much so, and I'm not making this up, Catholic nuns were reported to have given character witness testimony on behalf of the owners. Humph. So Colombia is making inroads socially to shedding at least some of their corruption while the US is going the other way and establishing new entrenchment of direct corporate corruption. Corporations are nothing more than gangs.
We are becoming Colombia. Colombia cannot solve its rebel FARC problem and its drug cartel problem until the citizens first begin to reject both. The Irreni lesson here is that same applies here. We the citizens must change first. In other words, culture must change before government can change.
I primarily write on this blog about replacing Democracy with MGOs over two-hundred years. However, Irreni World Scale is so much more than just replacing government. Irreni requires us first to upgrade culture. This is why the plan takes two-hundred years. We citizens must act. We must take on the responsibility that government has taken over today. We must be more independent in order to defeat corruption. This means we need to become makers. We need to grow our own food again, make our own clothes, and build our own shelter. We must move away from a consumer economy of corruption to a self-reliant, sustainable economy of independence. This thinking is foreign to you precisely because we've been mentally programmed to be rely on government and consumer economy. It will take two-hundred years to change this thinking. We need to shift capitalism from consumerism to sustainable manufacturing of permanent products. This means permanent components that go into many final products and not single, consumer finished goods. MGO campuses will become centers of final assembly of parts designed to last as long as possible. This is a major shift in world culture and will take time.
What should our response today be to our existing media total news blackout? Well, I know what will fail for sure: continue to pin false hope on electing a different person. Corruption runs our government and no one can stand against it, just like with Colombia hasn't been able to stand against drug gangs. We are Colombia in that sense. It is game over. Our government is permanently corrupt and permanently dysfunctional. There is no hope. Get over it. Instead we must take matters into our own hands. Irreni World Scale has a plan for taking matters into our own hands. We form MGOs that initially provide economic benefit by pooling individual resources into groups of thirty people and sharing costs to drive down our everyday costs. Over time MGO corporations will replace existing consumer corporations; manufacturing is retooled from consumer products to sustainable products.
The Irreni World Scale plan is a long game of gradually over time replacing central-government corruption with citizen micro-governing. There is no other way. A broken system cannot repair itself. The US Government is broken beyond repair. We must admit that and begin the hard work of repairing governing with new government that avoids corruption by eliminating central government altogether. If we don't do this then our total news blackout will continue to expand and our news will eventually just be about the shenanigans of daily lives of American royalty -- whatever that turns out to be.
Join an MGO today!
You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:
Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!
Freethinkers unite!
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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