Breaking Ground

Happy Wednesday!

Breaking Ground!

I recently watched a very well intended podcast on YouTube regarding addressing racism in America.

A summary of this two hour long video is that racism is complicated and the movements looking to address racism are simplifying racism to naive solutions that won't work. Also racism is just one piece of a bigger social system and the entire system needs to be addressed. Even so there is an interesting debate about whether slave reparations being both over simplified and being a solution out of context of the greater culture.

I recommend spending the two hours watching the video. This is because one of the conclusions of this video is that our societal problems are too complicated to solve.

Why do people feel our societal problems are too complicated to solve? Why have we given up?

The video is correct. We can't solve these problems. What we have today in society is a Gordian knot of social issues that cannot be untied by simply pulling threads. We need to cut the knot. Historically cutting the knot meant a revolution that burns down to the ground the previous social order so as to start over again, the knot is cut. However, the world is too big to fail. The Global Economy is more than just an economy. It is also our healthcare, our food supply, and our energy. If the United States were to undergo a revolution everyone in the world would suffer and not just Americans.

So we feel stuck. That is the impression I got from this video. This impression is not new. I think the video it is a good two hour review.

How do we have a revolution so as to cut the knot of socially intractable problems without literally having a revolution?  That is the question before us.

The answer, Dear Reader, is  Irreni World Scale.

When I first started writing about Irreni I likened this to changing a tire on a moving car going sixty mph. At first blush it seems impossible. But with a little imagination we get there.

There is an expression that you may have heard but may not be so familiar with. That expression is that life is not a zero sum game. What that means is that conditions are not fixed. For example in the 1970s we projected the world's supply of oil was running low. New technology changed the conditions in discovering and drilling for oil and increased the supply. We can take the same technological approach to our thought exercise of changing a tire on a moving car as well as our politics today.

Irreni World Scale breaks ground on new solutions that do not require revolution by taking advantage of some existing technology as well as calling for new technology that doesn't exist yet. I have a blog post that you can read that goes into some detail about how Irreni is the first government ever to depend on existing technology like the Internet here:

Breaking ground on new methods of political change requires culture changes proceed political changes in a free society. When government mandates behavior that is tyranny. Our Gordian knot is really one knot within another knot. Our political knot is wrapped around our cultural knot. We must undo the cultural knot first. I make that case here:

Breaking ground on new solutions requires us to use technology both existing and new to change our political tire. Further we must also change culture that then politics fits around. Breaking ground can take advantage of another resource that we can tap into to help us cut our intractable Gordian knots that cannot be unraveled: Americans have a lot of free time. In some respects one can look at this as FDR's notion of the Public Works Administration (PWA). We task the unemployed and underemployed with new public works, but instead of building physical infrastructure then we have them build social infrastructure.

But what social infrastructure? Again the answer is Irreni World Scale. The Irreni World Scale design then incorporates both technological solutions to our novel "too big to fail" world dependencies as well as  social solutions for building social infrastructure. Irreni World Scale calls for employing people with free time to build out new social infrastructure.

I will finish out the rest of this blog post with two concrete examples of new infrastructure of both technology  and social types. However, a word of caution here that Irreni World Scale is designed to scale to the entire world, then the Solar System and eventually the Milky Way Galaxy. As such the design is far more sophisticated then just the remedies just these two examples provide.

The first new technical solution to changing our tire on our fast moving social car is called the VERY: Virtual Earth Reality You. Simulation is key to designing any sophisticated technology today. Simulation is key to designing any sophisticated society tomorrow. The VERY is a simulation environment that replicates Earth to the best available that present day technology can support. Once we have a base replica of Earth in virtual reality we can then simulate as many variations as technically possible to test our new climate and social theories. The VERY also requires people and animals be replicated. There will be an identical copy of you.

The simulations in the VERY will be both technical and social. 

One technology example is we simulate Climate Change management technology. We could simulate new technologies for obtaining energy such as with fracking. I think one of the more interesting aspects of this simulation is seeing how insufficient our current models are. We can still only predict weather for like two weeks. The VERY will lay bare just how inadequate our models are of the Earth today are and I would suggest this will put the disaster predictions of today in a proper confidence context of how much we don't know.

Another technology example of the VERY is we could also create a very accurate simulation of all the satellites orbiting Earth since we put them all there. We could create flight plans for future launches and reserve space legally as a planet.

As exciting as the VERY is for technical simulation, the social implications are even more exciting. For example we can teleport anywhere in virtual reality. That's way cool. I can tour Africa on foot. The scale of the VERY is exact and the time it takes to walk any distance would remain unchanged from the real world. Animals are be simulated. Fantastic! And by animals I mean other humans, of course. Before Capitalism there was just trade. The VERY can bring back trade sans Capitalism in a big way. All your property will be simulated. You'll be able to trade with anybody on the planet anything you own without the need for EBay, Amazon, or other capitalist intermediary. Just meet with your buyer directly. Swap meets will explode. Of course there will still be payment, shipping, and handling to address in the real world. But the new social commons and new Bazaar the VERY represents is mind boggling. Anyone anywhere in the world can trade directly with anyone else.

The VERY also represents social meeting space as well. We'll be able to simulate real world meetings in identical virtual settings. This will mitigate the necessity for learning social skills tailored to social media that is technically prohibitive for many people. The one technical hurdle is learning the virtual self in the VERY. Once that one hurdle is met then the VERY follows the same social rules as in reality as need be. People can even get around using conventional methods like automobiles, planes, and trains.

The political simulation implications of the VERY are exciting as well. For example, we could literally remove the border between Mexico and the US in the VERY and see how many Mexicans would want to migrate if no legal barriers existed.

Besides simulation existing social and political environments then Irreni also has two new exciting programs that are best implemented in the VERY but could also be implemented in the real world.  These are programs called for by Irreni are the social infrastructure equivalent to FDR's public works programs of physical infrastructure. These programs will require people be employed.

First Irreni World Scale calls for a program for everyone to engage in simulation known as role playing. Social infrastructure is created to teach or test new theories of social progress. We simulate before we legislate. This means you. Every person on the planet needs to be engaged in social simulation. Those employed in this endeavor create the infrastructure the rest of us use.

The second Irreni World Scale is a quality of life program. I call this the Sexy Principle of Human Quality. What quality of life do you want and then again can we all agree upon? The American dream after WWII was a house, a car, and a nuclear family. What do we want today? The Sexy Principle means you have to tell us. The entire expanse of people on Earth are obligated to communicate models of living quality. We cannot deliver expectations of quality of life unless we know what these expectations are. The work to be done is that we will all be movie makers promoting our quality of life expectations as simulations we call movies. We will also all be role players in role playing games to test expectations and experiment what it is like to be community. You be you but necessarily in the context of the entire planet. We need to simulate how this works. The simulation scenarios are crafted from movies of ideal hypotheticals We simulate before we legislate. Politics is not just survival like with healthcare. Politics is about quality of life as well and the Sexy Principle of Human Quality means a competition of life styles needs to be fabricated to mix and mingle. Simulation is the first step.

As Yogi Berra once said, you have be careful if you don't know where you are going because you might not get there. Our politicians today aren't sure how to get us "there" because they are not sure "where" we are going, either with our survival needs or our quality of life needs. Irreni World Scale provides new social infrastructure for crafting new social fabric of mutual survival and quality of life agreements using a new simulation infrastructure.

The Sexy Principle programs do not rely on the VERY technology. We can do the VERY and Sexy Principle programs  simultaneously. However, once the VERY exists even in its crudest form the VERY will improve the Sexy Principle programs by allowing simulation in much larger population pools than we can realize in real world simulations we can muster today.

You get to be movie star! or a script writer! or a soundtrack musician! In any case tomorrow we must all be able to express as individuals what we want out of life as individuals and not through proxies. We have the technology. We all most learn to moderate our expectations based upon mixing and mingling our expectations with those around us. This new learning will make us better citizens and as better citizens by extension enable politicians to be better politicians representing a mix and match societal expectations of our creation and not those of politicians, University professors, or other people not representing us.

But it will require work. So lets get cracking!

Join an MGO today!

You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:


Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law!

Freethinkers unite!


Party On!

Let's get cracking!

Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!

Politics as Science!

Demand Irreni World Scale!

Anti-theism is feminism!  

Think disruption!

Empathy for all!

Moral relativity: think it, breath it!

Prove it or lose it!

Conversations equal consensus! 

Welcome to the 21st century!

Scale your empathy, scale the world! 

Find your tribe!

Be sexy people!

The future is coming! 

Innovate at a rapid pace!

Slow speed ahead!

Well come! and well met!
