Happy People!
"You don't celebrate your faith, you mourn it."
-Muse, "Dogma", 1999
Welcome! to Happy People! YAII! (Yet Another Irreni Introduction).
Today we don't celebrate our America, we mourn it. Can we reverse this trend?
Irreni World Scale experiments with celebrating politics by promoting putting happy people in power.
This essay builds upon the previous essays below:
- https://irreni.blogspot.com/2018/06/a-better-tomorrow.html
- https://irreni.blogspot.com/2018/06/dead-democracy-state-of-states.html
- https://irreni.blogspot.com/2018/06/youre-human-nature-your-science-and-you.html
- https://irreni.blogspot.com/2018/06/teeter-totter.html
- https://irreni.blogspot.com/2018/07/mourning-in-america.html
- https://irreni.blogspot.com/2018/07/what-is-irreni-take-twenty-or-so.html
- https://irreni.blogspot.com/2018/07/soft-secession-irreni-urgency.html
- https://irreni.blogspot.com/2018/08/irreni-introduction-area-51.html
Have you ever asked yourself this: why aren't happy people in politics?
Or maybe ask yourself this: can bullies create peace and prosperity?
Can unhappy people produce happy results?
Irreni World Scale experiments with promoting happy people in power where historical governments favor the miserable, dysfunctional and bully leaders.
There are three Irreni mechanisms that advance putting happy people in power:
1. The MGO
2. Six-degrees voting
3. Sexy Principle of Human Quality
Plato in around 50 B.C. wrote a book, "The Republic". In that book Plato surmises that the reason good people will not enter politics is that politics is by its very nature corrupt and good people will not compromise their ethics. Therefore politics is doomed to be overrun with the corrupt, the bullies, and the unhappy.
Can we devise an experiment to mitigate Plato's principle? We think we have with The MGO (Micro-modular Governing Organization). The key insight of the The MGO is the vast number of governing organizations. By and large there are more of us ethical and happy people than there are unethical people. We happy people outnumber the bullies by at least a factor of 2:1 from my reading of population demographics. We are at a place in US politics today where about two-thirds of the American electorate refuse to vote and in no small part because politics has gotten so mean.
Irreni World Scale creates a government for every thirty people. Assuming a world population of nine-billion then this means there will be three-hundred million governments. Three-hundred million governments means that our human nature to rely on a bully population demographic to lead cannot sustain based upon the sheer number of governments. Happy people will lead MGOs as a matter of course. These leaders will then be natural leaders of the next level of governing, MGOs (Modular Governing Organizations) and MGOs (Macro-modular Governing Organizations). MGOs are containers of governing and building blocks of governing. Groups of 30 MGOs become MGOS and so on.
If the smallest of MGO leaders are happy people then we'll have a pool of people to promote to the group-of-group leaders, the MGOs made up of MGOs.
Six-degrees voting
Six-degrees voting is also known as chain voting. The idea comes from a study whereby it was found that any human on Earth can be associated with another by a chain of at most six people. Chain voting is defined to be a person is only allowed to vote for someone they personally know. When you vote for someone then they represent you and your vote. When they cast a vote then they are casting multiple votes, theirs and yours. Chain voting then creates a network of voting blocks based upon people knowing people. Chain voting replaces the political party.
Chain voting encourages voting for the happy person. Yes bullies will vote for bullies but since we the happy people can opt to vote for a happy friend that is all the difference in the world.
Sexy Principle of Human Quality
With Irreni World Scale, the entire expanse of folk living on planet Earth are obligated to communicate models of living quality. Celebrate your life and display the desirability such that everyone will want to be in on the action! We cannot deliver expectations of quality of life unless we know what these expectations are! We are all obligated to be writers, movie makers, and public engaging promoting our own expectations. We should all experiment and be role players in role playing games to experiment what it is like to be in someone else's shoes.
Of the three aspects of Irreni design, the Sexy Principle tackles the unhappy person leader head on. A person like Trump could never express a happy world the rest of us want. The unhappy people can only destroy. Unhappy people can only destroy that which we fear and that which we don't want. However, eliminating what we don't want does not bring about what we do want.
Since we cannot create a Utopia, a heaven on Earth, then we must continually and constantly rephrase our practical desired Earthly models. The Sexy Principle is built on another Irreni principle, The Human Quality Principle where the human race is over! We won! We now have the means to feed, cloth and shelter everyone alive, the only reason we don't is politics.
Merit and Minority
This introduction is about Irreni engineering promoting happy people running our future governments. However, it is worth pointing out that these same design principles noted also promote merit and minority. Our leaders today in politics also suffer from severe incompetence. In addition minority populations are under represented in governments and places of power. The benefits of the three aspects are three-hundred million governments; voting for who we know; and promoting our ideal society favor merit and minority. These aspects combined should also promote merit of the most qualified people being put in decision making positions respective of their competence as well as minority demographics having appropriate minority representation.
Party On!
Let's get cracking!
Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery!
Politics as Science!
Demand Irreni World Scale!
Anti-theism is feminism!
Think disruption!
Empathy for all!
Moral relativity: think it, breath it!
Prove it or lose it!
Conversations equal consensus!
Welcome to the 21st century!
Scale your empathy, scale the world!
Find your tribe!
Be sexy people!
The future is coming!
Innovate at a rapid pace!
Slow speed ahead!
Well come! and well met!

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