
Showing posts from November, 2018

Apples and Oranges

Apples and Oranges Hi! Happy Thursday! Just a reminder that this blog is about solutions and not punditry. Apples and oranges today is a topic contrasting systemic perspective versus ideological perspective. The Irreni World Scale solution is an upgrade to our systems of government. Irreni World Scale is not about the ideology of our lives. In fact lack of ideology is built into the Irreni name: I nnovation R eplaces R evolution, E ngineering N ot I deology (IRRENI). It has become clear to me recently that separating out system solutions from ideology problems is a apples and oranges problem. A media system of hate programming appears to be an ideological argument when it is actually a systemic one. In recent media posts I have called out conservative hate media as a conservative problem that Irreni solves by a systemic upgrades. I have been given feedback that the argument and solution both appear ideological supporting my liberal politics. Fair enough. I accept tha

A Path Forward

A Path Forward Happy Thursday! Just a reminder that this blog is not about punditry but solutions. This letter is an open letter to Antifada. Dear Antifada, Hi! Just wanted to put a "Hi!" out there. Here are my solutions to the question, how do we find a political path forward in 2018? 1. Practice what you preach. 2. Form an MGO (micro-modular governing organization). Those are the solutions, what follows is the argument for those solutions. Why Antifada? I'm familiar with Antifada from the connection with Sam Seder's, "Majority Report" on Youtube. Before the solutions argument I'd like to give argument for why Antifada. I listen to the "Majority Report" about once per week or so. I've been familiar with Sam since his days on Air America, and yet I have never been a regular follower. Sam has a political encyclopedic insight that merits his position. I listen to Sam to be educated by his knowledge. However, I

Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income Hi! Happy Thursday! This is an open letter to Andrew Yang about universal basic income, or UBI. Andrew is running as a Democrat for President in 2020 on this single issue of a $1,000/month for all Americans. I applaud this effort! Democracy innovation is much needed today! Our system is broken! I share this spirit con mucho gusto, with much gusto! I also have a Democracy innovation platform, Irreni World Scale. Irreni is a large laundry list of Democracy innovations that depend on new technology tools. We are looking for funding to the tune of $300,000/year to begin work. Universal Basic Income doesn't happen in a political vacuum. To the extent that Republicans pay any attention to the UBI campaign is the extent they will rail against free hand-outs, just like they perceive any government assistance or increases in minimum wage. I'd like to help. I'