
Showing posts from August, 2015

The New Evil, Resolved

Hi! Happy Saturday! I hope you are having a Wonderful! day! If we were to consider a system of ten morals relative to a system of one-thousand morals then there is no discussion. And so it is that religion is dead and irrelevant. The golden rule has expired and we are onto the information rule; treat others as they are and not as you are. Empathy for all has blossomed because the human race is over, we've won. We know how to survive so we are now onto the quality-of-life, human chapter . Quality of life for everyone! Opportunity for everyone! Zoom zoom! Religious morality is irrelevant because it doesn't scale. Scale is a common theme here at Irreni. In the modern age it is irrelevant to be  religious because we of good conscious could never compromise our thousands, nay hundred-of-thousands of morals that we live by today. How could anyone consider a limited bronze-age, primitive moral code here in the complex information age? Morality like so many thing

Finding your tribe: moral relativity.

Hi! Happy Thursday! Today we are going to mash two things together: finding your tribe and moral relativity. First let us start with moral relativity. State sanctioned moral relativity resulted from secularism in 1789 where everyone was entitled to their own absolute moral code in the form of their own religion. Freedom of religion was everyone's right. Secularism in 1789 meant that there were competing religions and competing absolute moral codes that people  subscribed too and thus resulted in a moral pluralism or moral relativity across various religious factions. A religion itself was not morally relative.  Each religion taught that only a single absolute moral code was correct. Religion's main claim to authority was in fact the notion that only religion imbues people with morals and that people would not otherwise have morals if not for the religion. Moral relativity today means something quite different. Moral relativity today means as individuals we recognize com

Rethinking Revolution: Disruption

Hi! Happy Sunday! Today's post is about scratching that imagination itch. Irreni World scale is first and foremost about solutions. Today's itch scratch is about the solution of innovation replacing revolution. Innovation is a process disrupting existing market systems with better systems. The iPhone disrupted the cellular phone market. This process works in the free market because capitalism invites disruption of competition. And governments? Do governments invite disruption of competition? No. Irreni World Scale can easily be seen as naive in that sense. The powers that be are not going to allow a competing government. Therefore replacing a government typically entails revolution, war and killing those who are in power at that time. Revolution burns the government to the ground and starts anew. The US is too big to fail. We are the only world's "super-power" policing the oceans and lands. We manage the supply chains of food. We are the banking center.

Empathy For All, For The Day!

Hi! Happy Friday! Today's post is about love and acceptance. I was having a break-room conversation with the younger generation the other day about political-correctness. I love rude, crude and socially unacceptable humor. My own take on being PC is we should just label  venues and materials that are rude, crude and socially unacceptable the same way we label content for violence and sex. For example, there is a Penn and Teller movie called "The Aristocrats". It is a documentary about telling the same joke one-hundred times by one-hundred different comedians. The joke happens to be a joke where the point is to offend as many people as possible. I find "The Aristocrats" hysterical. In my mind this movie would have the most comprehensive label possible, "Rated CE, comedy intended to offend everyone." Anyway, I was dicussing at lunch this week that being PC is here to stay according to an article featured on the cover of "The Atlantic"

Think Groups: Bernie Sanders is the Problem

Hi! Happy Wednesday! Bernie Sanders has been in Washington for 30 years. What coalitions and groups has he been able to form to be effective? The answer? The same as Barbra Boxer and Diane Feinstein: none.  One of my on-off hobbies is studying early American history and the founding of this country. Why? Because there were groups of intellectuals writing political ideas, intellectually fighting it out. As far as I know the sheer number of thinkers and doers leading up to 1776 in this country is unprecedented in founding any country before or since. That is what makes the founding of this country so fascinating to study: the sheer number of thought leaders dancing the political ballet! It is truly worth studying. Now we are  2015 with 30 times more peoples than the 10 million in 1789. So the question is this: do we have 30 times the number political thinkers? Do we have 30 times the Franklins, Jeffersons, Madisons, Adams, Washingtons and the list goes on-and-on? In fact, how many

Tender Trump

Hi! Welcome to a Happy Sunday! Wouldn't it be great if we nicknamed Trump, "Tender Trump"? " Leave a Tender Moment Alone " is  the title of a Billy Joel song. To hear Wikipedia tell it Billy Joel was hearkening back to softer days of R&B: Even though I'm in love Sometimes I get so afraid I'll say something so wrong Just to have something to say I know the moment isn't right To tell the girl a comical line To keep the conversation light I guess I'm just frightened out of my mind But if that's how I feel Then it's the best feeling I've even known It's undeniably real Leave a tender moment alone Leave a tender moment alone is a lyric in the song that is good advice to many a nervous guy on a date; just don't say anything. Leave a tender moment alone just happens to be a very nice way of saying, "shut up". ha! Mmmm. Tender Trump as a nickname is my funny way of referencing that lyric whereby

Legalize Prostitution? We Are Not Computers.

Hi! Happy Sunday! Should we legalize prostitution? Yes. And No. We are not computers. There has been news lately surrounding Amnesty International's proposed new platform to decriminalize prostitution.  Should we? From the linked article above: But equally, critics and anti-trafficking activists say decriminalisation fails to take into account backgrounds of economic deprivation, pimp coercion and the intrinsic link between prostitution and sex trafficking.  Let us look at the word 'intrinsic': " belonging to a thing by its very nature: " This is not mere word parsing. Dogma can be manufactured anywhere at any time. And given there is no single world-wide religion and further given topics such as prostitution, abortion, and climate change are world-wide then expect rapidly growing non-religious dogma in public opinion. What is going on here is an attempt by the author to make human trafficking and prostitution one-and-the-same and t

The Worst Word Ever

Hi! Zappy Friday! Get your handkerchief out. Prepare to hear the most evil, vicious, horrific word that has ever been uttered across humans ears. And of course its origins are French. I kid. Who doesn't like French wine? I mean this evil word does have French origins but that has nothing to do with why it is so horrific. This horrific word even has a singular category of horror reserved all its own: boring. Boring evil. When was the last time you watched a boring horror movie? Not a boring horror movie that was poorly made.  I'm talking about a boring movie that struck your eye bleeding from terror? So much so that you couldn't take even five minutes of  boring horror before you had to bolt out of the theater? Ok, so grab a pint of your favorite brew and drink a ton of it. Cause your going to need that drink for this next blog post here on Irreni. What is this unspeakable horror of a word I dare not dredge distastefully from my mind to your, as yet, untroubled neu

Boiling Frogs

Hi! Happy Thursday! When I was a kid we had a saying: you can't fight city hall. Someone commented on my blog post yesterday that reminded of this quote. They said it was kinda nice that someone actually thinks there is chance to fight corruption with new bottom-up politics. The implication being realistically, though, you can't fight city hall. You can't fight corruption. The corrupted power brokers hold all the cards. There are two things at work here: We don't want revolution. Revolution means destroying an existing government. Destroying the US government would have catastrophic effects on millions if not billions.  We want to boil frogs. You can boil frogs alive if you raise the temperature slow enough. Frogs won't jump out of the pot.  We need to take a very long view on fixing our current government. Our government is not going to be fixed instantly, or overnight, or over twenty years and perhaps it will taken even longer than one-hundred years. Wh

You Need To Start Making Political Decisions

Hi! Happy Wednesday! Yesterday Jimmy Carter was interviewed where in essence he was saying the US is no longer a Democracy, but an oligarchy. But that is actually being nice. It is corruption plain and simple. The US has become like Mexico, China and most other countries around the world. Corruption rules. I posted Carter's interview on Facebook yesterday and made two important arguments yesterday regarding Carter's observation: Root cause was scale. Our success has become our failure. Our success has been since WWI the US has become the richest country in the world, by orders of magnitude. In Silicon Valley we say that your success becomes your failure when something "goes viral", or the scale of growth quickly overwhelms either the company or the technology. Internet start ups fail because ten, twenty or even one-thousand times more web visits can bring down a site. Going viral means scale grows orders of magnitude too quickly to manage. This is ca

Rights As Assumptions

Hi! h A p P y  M o N d A y ! Lately I've been blogging about conversations, you and I, getting it together so we can govern ourselves. The government that governs best governs best governs least because the people govern themselves, cheek-to-cheek. Dancing cheek-to-cheek. Because that's like the song I'm listening too today. Today is Tony Bennett’s 89th birthday and I'm enjoying Tony and Lady GaGa, singing cheek-to-cheek. Today I want to go on about rights. Irreni redefines rights. Rights have traditionally been thought of as self-evident truths. We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Ten years later in the Bill of Rights we get the right to free speech and bear arms. But, self-evident truths? What does that really mean? It smacks of religion, of dogma. Self-evident doesn't pass the science test either: claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Irreni World Scale redefines rights as assumptions. And, as with

Empathy, Consensus and Role Playing

Hi! Happy Saturday! Soon, hopefully within a month, I plan on bringing Irreni to life via something other than this blog: role playing. Role playing for Irreni World Scale will serve as a platform for iterating on empathy, conversation and consensus. Irreni big fancy pants technology such as the Vote Bank will be implemented, tested and refined. How exciting is that! Irreni World Scale is fundamentally about people governing themselves first and foremost. This requires empathy, conversations and consensus. After we have consensus comes experiments. The first level of experiment then is role playing.  Role playing has another name: simulation. Pilots use flight simulators to train for flying. Role playing is simulation for enacting social policy, building empathy, conversations and consensus. Role playing then is the defacto starting point for social experiments.  Role playing is a great way to socially experiment. Irreni is all about experiments and science. Claims ma