
Showing posts from December, 2018

Happy New Year 2019: Resolve To Have Growing Pain Understanding

Hi! Happy New Years Eve! I'm writing this on New Years Eve, 2018, at the only Starbucks in Bangor, Maine. Oddly enough there recently were two Starbucks in Bangor, and as you might expect they were right next to each other. Further, if you count the Starbucks in the Target store then that would mean there were three within a one mile radius and then none for at least forty miles. Weird, huh? This morning I rolled over and asked Alexa to make me a ham sandwich. The device said, "Okay, you are now a ham sandwich." Ha! The artificial intelligence in Alexa only applies to the voice recognition software. The Alexa conversation is all scripted. So that means someone heard that joke somewhere and programmed Alexa with that response. Thinking about the conversation with some anonymous person who wrote the response tickles my fancy more so than any AI pretend conversation. AI, artificial intelligence, is going through some growing pains. Having patience with growing pa

Love, Hard Work Book Draft: Chapter 7

Love Hard Work By Mybrid Wonderful A New Government (For Making New Governments) Irreni World Scale "Irreni World Scale means hard work. Hard work in the past meant physical labor, back breaking labor of long hours. Hard work today means brain labor of social skills, getting along with people productively." -Mybrid Wonderful, "Love, Hard Work - Introduction" "Don't Panic! Two-hundred-million world governments as proposed by Irreni and opposed to today's two-hundred world governments is not meant to happen over night, but rather over two-hundred years." -Mybrid Wonderful, "Love, Hard Work - Introduction" Welcome to Love, Hard Work!   Introduction    Before we get started, duty demands I lay down a couple of things first. Irreni World Scale means hard work. Hard work in the past meant physical labor, back breaking labor of long hours. Hard work today means brain labor of social skills, getting along with