
Showing posts from November, 2016

The Intelligentsia Problem

Hi! Happy Friday! The US and the World governments have an intelligentsia problem that has long been predicted so often that it is a trope in speculative science fiction. What has gotten lost amidst all of the demagoguery,  sensationalism, click-bait hate and histrionics that is Donald Trump has been Trump's complete and total incompetence. The odds of Trump succeeding at being President are exactly the same as the Infinite Monkey Theorem : The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare. Or, as John Oliver stated, the odds of Trump being successful are the same as a wombat successfully piloting an airplane. There is a lot of punditry that could splayed here. For example, people assume that a billionaire must be competent because a billionaire has a billion dollars. To which one can easily point to

How To Treat Trump

Hi! Happy Saturday! Irreni World Scale is about solutions, not punditry. Problem: How do we treat Trump, his supporters and his voters? Should we give Trump a chance? Should we condone but not approve? Should we put the country first? Should we work with his voters but not him? What's the right answer here? Solution: Treat them like terrorists. The reason we don't negotiate with terrorists is we don't want to encourage the behavior. Trump is a bully. Trump said on national TV during a Republican primary he would kill not only the terrorists, but their families.  Trump's go-to methods are insults and threats. If anyone anti-Trump is thinking about "reaching across the aisle" or "Ameri-cans vs Ameri-can'ts" then they need to ask themselves: are you encouraging future political campaigns in America to use the means of hate to get elected? This is definitely an "ends doesn't justify the means" argument. The same as wit

Election Joy!

Hi! Happy Election Day! Today we are having an American melt-down, an Ash versus the Evil Dead level of anxiety...  Irreni recommends: Try Buddhism, or, or, cut off your hand and strap on a chainsaw! :-0 Wait, what? Why is Irreni recommending a non-scientific solution? It's true, Irreni is about science. However, any government solution is a human management solution. Human management solutions for which the science today is still very early on. So we still need to manage unknowns and sometimes those unknowns have well established practices handed down through the ages that work simply based upon trial-and-error. I don't have anxiety about this election...because I practice Buddhism. In fact I don't have anxiety about anything out of my control. I never worry about things out of my control. Why not? Because in my early twenties I discovered the practice of Buddhism. Key word here is practice. I'm still an atheist and a militant anti-theist. I do not

The Day The Music Died

Hi! Happy Tuesday! Nov. 8, the day the democracy died. A long long time ago All Presidential election talk =  Congress overlooked and re-elected. I can still remember how Plea deal for all felony charges = no jury trial. That music used to make me smile Arbitration replacing small claims court = can't win at trial at all.   And I knew if I had my chance Sworn to secrecy = arbitration hidden. That I could make those people dance Banks shopped State's with laxest laws = health insurance companies soon will too. And maybe they'd be happy for a while Banks consolidated to too big to fail = health insurance companies soon will too. But February made me shiver Clinton polled win in California the day she announced =  my vote is nothing except to spend a year talking about. With every paper I'd deliver 1999 Telecommunications Act = media companies consolidated to a few. Bad news on the doorstep For profit news = sensationalism lowest hanging frui