
Showing posts from August, 2018

Irreni Introduction: A New Government, Fund Us Please!

A New Government, Fund Us Please! (for making new governments) Irreni World Scale I have a new working title for an Irreni book, "A New Government (for making new governments) Irreni World Scale." This is a longer title than "Love". *~wink*~ Still debating. I have started one book about Irreni already, "MGO After Democracy." However, I did not make it past the introduction. Why? I've done a lot of thinking about this and have come up with an analogy. Imagine that you have a rainbow colored swatch of cloth in the palm of your hand. Further that swatch has exposed thread ends for every thread and these can be pulled on. Now just imagine that in order to understand how to make the swatch each thread must be pulled out just so. However, as threads are pulled out the swatch starts to look like a mess of rather than something desired to be known how to make. This is how it is trying to explain a world governing body. Every explanation just

Irreni Introduction: Irreni Police

Irreni Introduction: Irreni Police   Hi! Zappy Friday! YAII! Yet another Irreni introduction! This Irreni introduction is about justice. Justice is completely revamped with Irreni and the topic requires an entire text book in-and-of itself. This is not that text book. In this introduction I want to focus on news of the day, the Catholic church yet again being exposed covering pedophilia. I want to ask and answer a question: how would Irreni World Scale police this? This writing is rated PB, proudly blasphemous. If one is offended by reading blasphemy, an anti-theist calling religion evil then you might want to be gone. How should we respond to the decades now of the Catholic Church's continually covering up child abuse? After 9/11 a new atheist movement arose as an answer to another religious malfeasance: Islamic terrorists. It was obvious that the same new atheists would also apply their critiques to the Catholic Church's much storied, ongoing child abuse

Irreni Introduction: Shapeshifting

Shapeshifting "The majority of U.S. Senators now represents 18% of the United States population." -Dave Wasserman, NYT Opinion Given that you just read the above headline taken from today's New York Times can you declare the U.S. constitution a total failure? That now is the time to go back to square one and start over? I can. Welcome to YAII!, yet another Irreni introduction. Why can I do this? Because I am a shapeshifter of a sort. I'm a free thinker. When people hear the word free-thinker they think atheist, someone who does not believe in any god. That's true. But being a free-thinking personality does not mean skepticism stops at heaven's door. Free thinkers and iconoclasts challenge everything and not just the supernatural. The United States constitution has been dead for decades and is now just the walking dead. The only thing left is for us zombie killers to chop off it's head, the document itself. Why are we so reluctant to adm

Irreni Introduction: After Represenative Democracy

After Representative Democracy Hi! Happy Sunday! YAII! Yet another Irreni introduction! In a previous introduction, " Dead Democracy Today ", I gave a financial argument as to why representative democracy is dead by arguing that Federal budget being twice that of all fifty states combined has neutered the states. The Federal government gives back those taxes to states with all kinds of laws attached, thereby controlling the states in a way that nullifies state power. In this introduction the argument is made that representative democracy is dead based upon two dimensions: 1. Technical diversity 2. Technical complexity Every Federal law today has a vast technical component to it, from war-killing to health-care life saving. Our representatives in Congress are the winners of a popularity contest called voting and these are the people voting on the laws to pass them. The problem with popularity contests are two-fold: 1. The small sub-set of people who will c

Irreni Introduction: Happy People

Happy People! "You don't celebrate your faith, you mourn it." -Muse, "Dogma", 1999 Welcome! to Happy People! YAII! (Yet Another Irreni Introduction). Today we don't celebrate our America, we mourn it. Can we reverse this trend? Irreni World Scale experiments with celebrating politics by promoting putting happy people in power. This essay builds upon the previous essays below: Have you ever asked y

Irreni Introduction, Area 51

Irreni Introduction, Area 51 This introduction focuses on potential government, or the nameless. In a previous introduction to Irreni, " Mourning in America ", I go into detail about The Nameless and concluded: "Philosophers have failed us. Philosophers have failed us due to a derelict of duty. A philosopher's duty is to expand upon reality space for us to use, just as for a physicist then a physicist's duty is to expand upon physical space that we use. Why? Simple arrogance. Philosophers are solely caught up in mental masturbation of self-congratulatory circle jerks of creating existing word combinatorics of new working patterns(tm)(wink). They do this instead of the necessary work needed of expanding the nameless reality space, So, here we are, we are currently stuck with existing government types of Democracy and such. Philosophers are just caught up in their own mental superiority of known topics looking down on everyone else. Irreni World

Irreni, Socialism, and Large Numbers

Irreni, Socialism, and Large Numbers 08/01/2018 Hi! Happy Wednesday! Is Irreni socialism? Just as a reminder, this blog is about solutions and not punditry. The solution here is to illustrate the dysfunction of today's propaganda and then demonstrate how Irreni World Scale solves this. In this week's news it has been reported that Bernie Sander's "Medicare for All" will cost some $32 trillion dollars. Well, at least according to two independent think tanks. How much it really costs would depend on the final implementation. I wanted to post about this particular topic though as a vehicle to point out a few things: People do not inherently understand large numbers like $32 trillion. Socialism is used as a pejorative first-and-foremost and not used as it is defined. Health-care as an idea can stand alone not tethered to ideology. $32 Trillion! Large Number! Boo! There are 300 million people in the United States. If 300 million people spen