
Showing posts from May, 2020

The Big IP Lie

Happy Thursday! On one hand this is not Irreni World Scale related. Irreni World Scale has no policy about intellectual property law. None whatsoever. On the other hand Irreni World Scale enables new governments called MGOs to establish juxtaposed laws. In this case I am going to write about IP, or intellectual property laws. Some MGOs will have IP laws, some won't. I am definitely against IP laws. In 200 years sovereign nations will of fixed size thirty people. Today what would mean 200-300 million sovereign nations. MGO nations can have juxtaposed laws such as with pro-gun versus anti-gun; pro-abortion versus anti-abortion; or pro-intellectual property versus anti-intellectual property. Enforcement of shared environment will be via contract law and economic sanctions. I personally am looking forward to a day when I can live without laws allowing gun,  IP,  or religion in my MGO.  Recently I've mostly focused on anti-theist topics regaling religion. On my social media sites re

Irreni World Scale Marketing - Rebuilding Society

Hi! Happy Saturday! Okay so even though this blog has been mostly focused on politics so as to provide a focus for getting this project off the ground, as Gregg pointed out Irreni World Scale is about rebuilding society. So I have come up with some marketing ideas "around" this. Our logo will be a frame. Initially of the Earth to signify "World" as in Irreni World Scale. However as people subscribe they can put a picture of themselves in the frame. Because Irreni is not about profit, but people. You know, society. Your first quest is to find your own company of people to go questing with! Earth Photo Text Join an MGO today! You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting: Cheers! Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law! Freethinkers unite! Freedom! Party On! Let's get cracking! Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery! Politics as Science! Demand Irreni World Scale! Anti-theism is feminism!   Think disruption! Empa

Admit Reality

Happy Thursday! Join an MGO today! You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting: Cheers! Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law! Freethinkers unite! Freedom! Party On! Let's get cracking! Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery! Politics as Science! Demand Irreni World Scale! Anti-theism is feminism!   Think disruption! Empathy for all! Moral relativity: think it, breath it! Prove it or lose it! Conversations equal consensus!  Welcome to the 21st century! Scale your empathy, scale the world!  Find your tribe! Be sexy people! The future is coming!  Innovate at a rapid pace! Slow speed ahead! Well come! and well met!

Political Theater 101

Happy Wednesday! Political Theater 101 is a notion that what we see in politics is carefully crafted to secure an agenda and is not what is presented. One script that is used time and time again is the incumbency script. In this exchange between (D) Sen. Sherrod Brown and (R) Steve Mnuchin you will see Brown pretend to be outraged about opening the economy too soon at the expense of American lives in this video exchange: The incumbency script goes like this. Congress passes a bill spending large sums of money but does not want to be held accountable for that spending. Accountability would jeopardize incumbency. In this case the first two CARES bills crafted by the Senate and passed with near unanimous votes gave all the responsibility for spending $2 trillion dollars to Steve Mnuchin. The first version had no Congressional oversight. The Congress decided at the last minute that perhaps their cynicism was two obvious. Also they need a stage for political theater. So the Senate added an

Conspiracy Theory Remedy

Happy Tuesday! Why do people believe in conspiracy theories and religion? A cocktail of dopamine, pattern matching, lack of control, and fear. We have known this for decades. Magic mushrooms can recreate the "supernatural" feeling naturally. So what's the solution to bad brain behavior? It is not just that the Internet that has created fertile soil for increasing conspiracies, but also more free time in a modern world. Specfically an increasingly large elderly-with-no-job community that has way too much idle brain time leaving them susceptible to all kind of hucksters. This is why Irreni is designed to eliminate idle time in two key ways: make and micro-governing. An MGO, or micro-modular governing organization,  of fixed size thirty people means we will all be busy always. Plus we introduce make. We make as much as humanly possible for ourselves. No more consumerism. As yee ole proverb goes, busy hands means a busy mind. Eliminating religion and other bad brain behavior

Time For A Third Party?

Hi! Happy Thursday! As the inventor of Irreni it is incumbent upon me to keep tabs on emerging government. Today I saw an interview linked at the top about a new "Peoples" party yet to be named forming. This will be an economic platform party as opposed to ideology party like the Green and Libertarian parties.  Sadly corruption goes way beyond campaign financing. Starting with the FDR administration Congress has abdicated all of its responsibilities and power to the Executive branch in the name of incumbency. How is any third party going to overcome the 90% incumbency rate? Most Senators and Representatives are political unknowns. Why? Because they don't do anything, literally. Take a recent example of the CARES oversight committee chair position in the House. The person who wanted the job chairs the Financial Committee. Instead Nancy Pelosi gives the job to Donna Shalayla. Why? Because Donna Shalayla is retired. Putting her in the spotlight risks nothing. As early as 199

Not An Excuse

Zappy Friday! Your need to have an answer is not a valid argument against science or "I don't know", nor is it an excuse to believe in conspiracy theories or some god. Join an MGO today! You can learn more about Irreni World Scale by visiting:     Cheers! Benefit of cooperation replaces rule of law! Freethinkers unite! Freedom! Party On! Let's get cracking! Voluntarily Reject Demagoguery! Politics as Science! Demand Irreni World Scale! Anti-theism is feminism!   Think disruption! Empathy for all! Moral relativity: think it, breath it! Prove it or lose it! Conversations equal consensus!  Welcome to the 21st century! Scale your empathy, scale the world!  Find your tribe! Be sexy people! The future is coming!  Innovate at a rapid pace! Slow speed ahead! Well come! and well met!