
Showing posts from October, 2019

What Makes America, America?

What Makes America, America? Hi! Happy Monday! Just a reminder, this blog is not about punditry, but solutions. When this country was founded the expressed goal of the founders was to make a country morally superior to Great Britain. Two popular slogans of the American Revolution were "Don't Tread On Me" and "No Taxation Without Representation." George Washington was asked why he refused to torture British prisoners. His answer? He wanted to build a country that he would feel good to live in, he wanted to build a better country. Here are some choices for answering what makes America, America: 1. Technical Superiority 2. Military Superiority 3. Trade Superiority 4. Moral Superiority 5. Land Superiority To be clear the categories include things like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness being under moral superiority. The founders believed first and foremost that moral superiority to British tyranny was number one, followed closely by trade an

Happy Outcomes

Don't Be Chris Hedges 10/18/2019 Chris Hedges has a death wish. Don't be Chris Hedges. This is an open letter to Katie Halper and Matt Taibbi.     Katie and Matt are hosts of the Useless Idiots podcast. As of 10/18/2019 their podcast had Chris Hedges on in two parts. Don't be Chris Hedges. Don't be Chris Hedges. The world has changed. Journalism needs to change with it. We need to speak truth to opportunity with far more urgency than speaking truth to power because we can win a war in two weeks where we don't know how to build tomorrow. Well, I do. Irreni World Scale. Chris Hedges reminds me of two media recollections. The first one is from 2004 where an American journalist interviewed an Afghani soldier. The other recollection was an interview with both Chris Hedges and Christopher Hitchens. In 2004 the Taliban were easily routed from parts of Afghanistan. At that time the US policy in Afghanistan was focused on eliminating opium pr

New Philosophy

New Philosophy This is a five minute read. Happy Saturday! This Irreni World Scale blog post is an open letter to Yuval Noah Harari and Steven Pinker. In addition I also want to put to bed any notion that I'm a misanthrope given my latest Facebook post where I ended with, "People are just ignorant." The YouTube interview linked below only requires you to listen for just a minute or so of your time where Yuval Noah Harari and Steven Pinker advocate that new philosophy is needed: In the linked video not only is the claim made by Yuval Noah Harari that we need new philosophy but in addition the claim is made that no new philosophy exists. Au contraire! Irreni World Scale is a new governing system built on new philosophy. This philosophy not only represents current day needs but also needs up to four-hundred years in the future. This philosophy with governing not only scales to the entire planet, but scales to the solar system,

No There There, A Demonstration

No There There, A Demonstration Happy Wednesday! This is a quick three minute read. The "No There There" meme attached to this blog post lays out the abstract case for there being no there there with respect to our US constitution being a empty words. This essay is a demonstration of the principles from that meme. The demonstration uses the following dichotomy where one chooses one of: The US Constitution is a set of ideals taken ownership by legislators. The US Constitution is a corruption game board played upon by corrupt players. In this demonstration I'm going to show that our government today is the second choice of the dichotomy using two examples: Death by a thousand cuts. Death by letter of the law. Death by a thousand cuts. The US Government has been treating the US Constitution as a corruption game board since they passed the War Powers act. If you don't know the War Powers Act was a cowardly act by Congress to alleviate themselve