
Showing posts from August, 2019

Irreni Manages Bad Reasoning

Bad Reasoning Bad reasoning. We all have it and do it. Some of us more than others. How many times have we heard the average person doesn't understand finances? And yet everyone is expected to have their retirement invested? What kind of mad world is this? We demand financial savvy where none exists? It is almost as if the system is rigged to rip us all off while telling us it is our fault and we buy it hook, line, and sinker? The sad fact is we do let them get away with it because we do think it is our fault. Irreni World Scale manages bad reasoning. Some people may naively think that ignorance of something like finances is the only cause. Not at all. I know people with degrees in Math who buy lottery tickets. When I ask them if they know they are just throwing away money they say yes. On a more personal level I know I should be exercising but I don't. I guess in some ways one could consider this bad decision making over bad reasoning because I know the right answe

El Paso, Dayton, and the Modern Tribalism Of Guns

Happy Sunday! Dayton, El Paso, Gilroy. How are we to respond? How are we to think about social change -- including no change at all? From guns, to disasters, to war, and to climate change how should we think about social change? There is no solution to social change with today's political system. None whatsoever. First, we need to unlearn how we currently think about social change. We currently think about social change through a lens of false dichotomy. We are given only two choices, this is false dichotomy. Is my side winning, is my side losing. The first thing we need to unlearn is party politics. Civil societies scale better than tribal society because civil societies reap the benefits of group size larger than a tribe. The two party system of the U.S. today has always, always been tribal. You might be asking yourself that if that's the case then why are we seeing more tribalism today? The answer is obvious. The answer is technology has made local politics moot