HaPpY SaTuRdAy! Rights Suck! People in Maine are not wearing masks. I live in Maine and when I'm out and about here in Bangor I see about a third of the people are wearing masks. Irreni World Scale, for the day! Why not? Because the US Constitution is crap and rights suck. When I read the US Constitution I came to the same conclusion as when I read the Bible. What crap. The US Constitution is garbage and needs to be taken curbside. I'm a free thinker and free thinking is not limited to just religion. Why is the US Constitution crap? Well, it doesn't scale for one. Rights suck for another. This essay is about rights sucking so I'll leave the the other myriad reasons alone on this occasion. Rights only represent one half of the equation, the benefits. Rights do not lay out the other side, the responsibilities. The right to free speech is detached from any responsibility obligation required to realize the benefit. This is why we don't see people wearing masks. This is